0.1.1 • Published 2 months ago

hydroactive v0.1.1

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Last release
2 months ago


HydroActive is a experimental library for hydrating web components and adding "sprinkles of reactivity" to pre-rendered HTML.

Check out the YouTube video for an in-depth discussion and demo of HydroActive's features.


Most server-side rendering / static site generation solutions bind the client and server together with a shared implementation. Components are "hybrid rendered" by supporting both the client and the server. They are rendered first on the server and usually props are serialized and passed to the client as JSON. The components then rerender on the client and take over interactivity.

While many frameworks tweak this approach in various ways, a few aspects of it have always bothered me:

  1. Why are the client and server coupled together? Why can't I use a different language or framework on my server or even change it without completely breaking my frontend application?
  2. Why are all components hybrid rendered? Most tend to be completely static and should be rendered exactly once on the server and never again on the client, but every component is implicitly rendered in both contexts.
  3. Why are we passing a JSON side-channel to the client? This seems unnecessary given that we already have the rendered HTML, why do we need to duplicate that information in a different structure?
  4. Why do I have to write my components to be hybrid-compatible? Why can't I write the server-side rendered components and directly read the file system, while my client-side rendered components could directly access browser APIs?
  5. Why do components need to rerender on the client when anything changes? 90% of a component is often static, when updating some text that's the only thing which should change. That's the only thing the client-side component should know how to change.

These are complaints of a generic strawman SSR/SSG solution, each framework is different and has different answers to these particular problems. Instead, I want to think of hydration through a different lens:

Mental model

Servers are good at rendering HTML and returning it in HTTP responses. That's kind of their thing, we don't need to reinvent that. If you have a Node, Java, Ruby, Haskell, C, or even Fortran server, any of them should be fine. How a server renders HTML is an unrelated implementation detail. HydroActive focuses on taking that pre-rendered HTML and making it interactive on the client.

This means we can think of hydration as a purely deserialization problem. Servers can render web components with declarative shadow DOM without any fancy tooling or integrations, all they need to do is render something like:

    <template shadowrootmode="open">
        <div>The current count is <span>5</span>.</div>

Any server can do that, exactly how it does so is unimportant to HydroActive. From here, HydroActive makes it easy to load from this component and make it interactable. It does this by providing an API to define custom elements useful lifecycle and convenient DOM APIs. One example would be:

import { component } from 'hydroactive';

// `component()` creates a web component class based on the given hydrate function. The
// callback is invoked on hydration and provides a `$` variable with additional
// functionality to provide interactivity to the pre-rendered component. Automatically
// calls `customElements.define` under the hood.
const MyCounter = component('my-counter', ($) => {
  // `$.live()` automatically hydrates this property by doing
  // `this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('span')!.textContent!` and parsing the result as a
  // `Number`. Returns a `Signal` to provide reactive reads and writes.
  // Whenever `setCount` is called, the `<span />` tag is automatically updated.
  const [ count, setCount ] = $.live('span', Number);

  // Ergonomic wrapper to read an element from the shadow DOM and assert it exists.
  // Also types the result based on the query, this has type `HTMLButtonElement`.
  const incrementBtn = $.query('button');

  // Ergonomic wrapper to bind event listeners. Automatically removes and re-adds the
  // listener when the element is disconnected from / reconnected to the DOM.
  $.listen(incrementBtn, 'click', () => {
    // `setCount()` automatically updates the underlying DOM with the new value.
    setCount(count() + 1);

// For TypeScript, don't forget to type `my-counter` tags as an instance of the class.
declare global {
    interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
        'my-counter': InstanceType<typeof MyCounter>;

See examples for more cool features. The HTML pages contain hard-coded, pre-rendered HTML (remember, how they get rendered by the server is an implementation detail). The TypeScript files house the component's implementations and demonstrate different forms of reactivity and use cases.

Class vs Functional design

Some notable trade-offs between the two authoring formats:

  • Class syntax duplicates type information in the decorator and the property type.
    • If a tag name changes and a @live() is missed, class syntax will fail at runtime.
    • If a tag name changes and a $.live() is missed, the returned type will no longer be accurate and likely (but not always) lead to clear type errors.
  • Class syntax effectively requires ! on the property definition.
  • Class syntax provides access to HTMLElement life cycle hooks like connectedCallback() where users can easily shoot themselves in the foot.
  • Decorated properties are often marked "unused" by the IDE, because it doesn't understand how they are bound.
  • query() and listen() are practically identical in the two designs.
  • Many class decorators don't make sense together (such as @live() and @bind()), but the IDE doesn't understand this. However, $ functions return distinct types and are harder to misuse in this manner.
  • Functional approach requires a separate reactivity system in signals. Whereas the class approach can make do with setters.
  • Functional approach decouples reactivity (via signals) from its components, while the class approach couples the two together (via setters).
  • Class approach requires TS decorators. Hopefully this will be compatible with the JS decorator proposal.
  • Returning object in functional approach feels like it's hacking in the class approach in the middle of the functional approach.
  • When to use $.hydrate(), $.read(), and $.query() is not clear. Class approach uses @hydrate() as a declarative decorator while this.query() is imperative.
  • update() isn't necessary in the functional design, can just use effects.
  • Functional approach requires returning the custom element definition and "moving" its properties over, which feels very hacky.
  • Functional approach does a better job of encapsulating problem space, user code is mostly isolated from the actual custom elements definition. On the flip side, this makes it harder to learn and more magical.
  • Class approach leaks a lot of implementation details about the custom element definition.
  • $.host is basically an opt-out of the functional API and leaks the core implementation details of the underlying component. Reminds me of Protractor's browser.driver in all the wrong ways.
  • $.host is accessible during hydration before returned properties have been moved over.
  • $.host doesn't include properties from the returned object. Pretty sure that's impossible since it requires inferring the type of a parameter based on the return type, which doesn't make much sense.
  • Might want $.dispatch() in functional approach to avoid an unnecessary $.host reference, but the class approach notably doesn't need this because this.dispatchEvent() just is that function.
  • $.bind() is more composable than @bind() and can work with computed properties without duplicating state.
  • Functional approach can't really hide the customElements.define() because we need to add it to HTMLElementTagNameMap anyways. In fairness, the class approach requires this too, though it doesn't try to abstract away any of those implementation details.
  • Occasionally need to make a signal with no clear initial value. Seems like an anti-pattern which can be hard to avoid.
  • Defining public component properties is much more idiomatic in the class based approach.
  • Weird that signals don't directly compose each other in the functional approach. Since we can't assume all components are built with HydroActive or use signals, we also can't assume other components can use them. Requires unboxing and re-boxing data in unintuitive and likely non-performant ways.
    • Maybe it's worth having an API which assumes the other element is built with HydroActive. Just need to make sure there are alternative approaches when that's not true.
  • Functional approach requires more boilerplate to expose data with manual getters and setters. In the class approach, public just works.
  • Functional approach is much more conducive with the imperative context API. However it still benefits greatly from signal integration.
  • Functional approach is more conducive to deferred hydration, as their aren't any available lifecycle hooks to break it such as connectedCallback().
  • Class decorators require usage of the class field scope, meaning some variables may exist longer than they need to, particularly those only needed during hydration. Functional approach closures naturally scope more narrowly.
  • Not sure what $ represents in the functional approach and don't have a good name for it.
  • Functional update() function and $.effect() are basically the same thing?
  • $.effect() create side effects bound to the component lifecycle, not the signal's lifecycle. Signals cannot be garbage collected when used by these functions, even if they are not referenced elsewhere. Maybe that's ok? But it seems weird that these effects are done at the bottom of the usage graph at the individual signals rather than the top of the usage graph like the others.
  • $.live() / $.read() / $.bind() all seem to work when called asynchronously after hydration. Is that ok?
    • $.bind() kinda needs this to be compatible with async contexts.
    • $.read() makes logical sense.
    • $.live() is just the two combined, so it can work, but I feel like it shouldn't. Binding late seems like a bad idea, even if it accepts a Promise.
  • $.asyncEffect() can't be easily tracked, need to pass signals in advance.
  • Hard choice between $.asyncEffect() depending on untracked signals vs. requiring users to unobserve() asynchronous operations.
  • Signals require a lot of nuance to use in async contexts, whereas class field setters "just work" in any context.
  • unobserve() doesn't really work for async functions. Each step of the process needs to be unobserved.
  • $.props.* are basically always undefined during hydration, just to immediately be overwritten when the parent component hydrates.
  • ComponentDef<{ count: number }> optionality really specifies the type of hydrate()'s parameters, not $.props.
  • It's really easy to use ComponentDef<{ count: number }> without a ? or understanding the hydration timing nuances of that choice. Maybe we should default make everything optional with an opt-out? Not totally sure how that would work.
  • $.props setters don't trigger if a subproperty is modified. Maybe that's ok? We shouldn't expose the signal on the property anyways to avoid leaking implementation details and in vanilla JS you wouldn't expect modifying a subproperty to notify the component about the change.

Problems which are the same in both and unrelated to the authoring format

  • Hydration timing is the same, and generally works the same way.
  • Due to hydration timing, context becomes awkward since child components usually hydrate before parent components.
  • Hydration is still synchronous due to the way defer-hydration works.

Some notes about template components

These aren't implemented in the class-based syntax right now, so this isn't really a comparison between functional and class. Instead these are just some general design notes.

  • Template components are arguably client-side rendered, should that be out of scope?
  • Generated component factories cannot assert all the given properties are actually given.
  • $.host.someValueFromProps includes | undefined in the type because we can't guarantee that the component will always be initialized through hydrate().
  • No good community protocol consensus on how to hydrate disconnected elements. https://github.com/webcomponents-cg/community-protocols/issues/38
  • Declaring props are component properties, means they have a chance of conflicting with existing properties.
  • Tricky to manage dependencies on the template. Server needs to know that my-foo will CSR my-bar and therefore the template for my-bar needs to be rendered out.

Hydration orchestration

  • Data "returned" from hydration is set on the component's properties. This works, but means the data can never be garbage collected because it could always be read in the future. Not really fixable without a community protocol about how to return hydration data.
  • No standardized indication on the component type what properties are "props" input into hydration. HydroActive has GetProps, but this is not a standard protocol.
  • No clear indication on the component type what properties are "returned" from hydration.



Run tests with npm test. Debug tests with npm run test-debug and then opening localhost:8000.


  1. Make sure you're on the right Node version.
    nvm install
  2. Increment the version number in package.json.
  3. Make sure tests pass:
    npm test
  4. Update the version in the lockfile.
    npm install
    Make sure no other dependencies were updated.
  5. Then build and publish the package:
    npm run build
    (cd dist/ && npm publish)
    # Alternatively run `(cd dist/ && npm pack)` to inspect the tarball to be published.
  6. Commit, tag, and push the incremented version number.
    git add . && git commit -m "Release v0.0.1."
    git tag releases/0.0.1
    git push --follow-tags
  7. Go to GitHub releases and create a new release with a changelog.

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