0.1.4 • Published 6 years ago

hyperapp-stringify v0.1.4

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Last release
6 years ago


Convert the object created with hyperapp h into an HTML string.

Also works with picodom.

var hyperappStringify = require('hyperapp-stringify')
var h = require('hyperapp').h
var vnode = h('div', {style: {display: 'inline-block', border: '1px solid red'}}, 'hi')


<div style="display:inline-block;border:1px solid red;">hi</div>

Example from ./test.js uses h function but you can use JSX in yours.

It has a regex for CSS style vendor prefixes.

'use strict'

var assert = require('assert')
var h = require('hyperapp').h
var hyperappStringify = require('./index')

// example state that is rendered in `view` function
var state = {
  msg: 'hi'

// example actions that are ignored
var actions = {
  btnClick: function() {
    console.log('this is ignored by the renderer')

var outputHtml

var expectedHtml =
  '<div id="view-outer" style="border:1px solid red;padding:0.3rem;">view ' +
  'outer text<div id="view-inner" style="border:1px solid green;-moz-borde' +
  'r-radius:0.3rem;-webkit-border-radius:0.3rem;-ms-border-radius:0.3rem;-' +
  'o-border-radius:0.3rem;">view inner text<button>click</button>state mes' +
  'sage hi</div></div>'

function view(state, actions) {
  var outerStyle = {
    border: '1px solid red',
    padding: '0.3rem'
  var innerStyle = {
    border: '1px solid green',
    MozBorderRadius: '0.3rem',
    WebkitBorderRadius: '0.3rem',
    MsBorderRadius: '0.3rem',
    // this is a weird case. maybe you know how to fix?
    'O-borderRadius': '0.3rem'
  return h('div', {id: 'view-outer', style: outerStyle}, [
    'view outer text',
    h('div', {id: 'view-inner', style: innerStyle}, [
      'view inner text',
      h('button', {onclick: actions.btnClick}, 'click'),
      'state message ',

// generate the html with state and actions
outputHtml = hyperappStringify(view(state, actions))

console.log('\nexpected html:\n\n', expectedHtml, '\n')
console.log('output html:\n\n', outputHtml, '\n')

// test
assert.equal(outputHtml, expectedHtml, 'output should match expected')

// if no errors it worked
console.log('✅  it worked real gud 😉')


npm test # eslint & simple node `assert` test

It has one dependency, self-closing-tags which is very minimal.

I got the source from hyperapp-server and then heavily customized it.

Known issue is -o- Opera prefix.


6 years ago


7 years ago