0.9.0 • Published 4 years ago

hyperplexer v0.9.0

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Last release
4 years ago

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hypercore multiplexer and replication manager 🐙

Version: 0.9

hyperplexer provides you with a general purpose RPC as opposed to implementing your own hypercore-protocol-extension.

  • lower level api exposed through 4 callbacks
  • Custom data exchange similar to http-headers
  • Replicates multiple feeds per Peer connection
  • Keeps track of which feeds your neighbours have or miss


  • feed-filters
  • 🔥feed hot-swapping (in progress) epic
  • compress peer#feeds LUTs into routing filters
  • cache exchanged feedDescriptors and headers


  • Acts as hypercore-protocol-extension host (accepts other extensions)
  • Make ext-host impl uniform using abstract-extension


yarn add hyperplexer
# or
npm install hyperplexer

Run interactive hypersim session with:

$(npm bin)/hypersim -T scenarios/multi-index-swarm.js


const Hyperplexer = require('hyperplexer')
const rpcChannelKey = require('crypto').randomBytes(32)

const mux = new Hyperplexer(rpcChannelKey, {
  onerror: err => console.error(err),

  // Invoked when a new PeerConnection is added to the manager.
  onconnect: peer => {
    const feeds = // get list of feeds from a core store

    const descriptors = feeds.map(feed => {
      // A descriptor must contain prop `key`
      // and optionally custom headers
      return {
        key: feed.key,
        headers: { // Attach anything you want
          length: feed.length,
          color: feed.get(0),
          interesting: Math.random() > 0.5 ? true : false

    mux.share(peer, descriptors)

  // Invoked when our we receive a manifest/ Once for each descriptor
  onaccept: (feedDescriptor, accept) => {
    const { key, headers, peer } = feedDescriptor
    if (headers.interesting === true) {
      accept(true) // includes `key` in next replicationRequest signal.
    } else {
      accept(false) // passively signals "do not want"

  // Resolve key to feed
  onresolve: (resolveReq, resolve) => {
    const { key } = resolveReq
    const feed = // Look up or create feed by key in a core store

  // Invoked with a list of `peers` that are unaware of `key`
  // usually happens when a new user joins the swarm, this handler
  // lets you announce their presence to the rest of the network.
  onforward: (namespace, key, peers) { // see #share() for info on namespaces
    const descriptors = // same as in `onconnect`

    peers.forEach(peer => {
      mux.share(peer, descriptors)

// With hyperswarm
hyperswarm.join(Buffer.from('Topic with hyperplexing peers'))

hyperswarm.on('connect', (socket, details) => {
 const peerConn = mux.handleConnection(!!details.client, socket)

See JSdoc annotations in index.js for more info on the handlers and opts objects.


Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.


 _____                      _   _           _
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| |  | |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ '_ \| __| |    / _` | '_ \/ __| / __|/ _ \
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If you're reading this it means that the docs are missing or in a bad state.

Writing and maintaining friendly and useful documentation takes
effort and time. In order to do faster releases
I will from now on provide documentation relational to project activity.

 |                                                 |
 |  - Open an issue if you have ANY questions! :)  |
 |  - Star this repo if you found it interesting   |
 |  - Fork off & help document <3                  |

I publish all of my work as Libre software and will continue to do so,
drop me a penny at Patreon to help fund experiments like these

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/decentlabs
Discord: https://discord.gg/K5XjmZx
Telegram: https://t.me/decentlabs_se


GNU AGPLv3 © Tony Ivanov