1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

hyperpunk2.0 v1.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


Cyberpunk Hyper2 terminal theme



Install hyperpunk2.0:

The fast way
  1. hyper -i hyperpunk2.0
  2. config { backgroundColor: 'transparent' }
  3. Taddaa! Enjoy 🚀
The old way
  1. Edit ~/.hyper.js
  2. Add hyperpunk2.0 to the plugins array
  3. config { backgroundColor: 'transparent' }
  4. Taddaa! Enjoy 🚀

NOTE: I recommend using the AHAMONO font together with this theme. (That's Andre's suggestion. I personally use Fura Code Powerline)

The Future

This project began as a theme plugin for hyper1.x by Andre Staltz . I liked the theme and made a partial fix for it when the switch to Hyper2 and xterm.js implementation of 2D canvas broke the original theme. I made a pull request but it never got accepted so I decided that I might as well fork it and keep working on it! I'm a designer learning how to develop, and I 😎 Have 😎 No 😎 Clue 😎 What 😎 I'm 😎 Doing! So I'm treating this as a little bit of a learning project?

Feature Goals:

  • Looping mp4 backgrounds (maybe more efficient than brute changing the background texture via css/js maybe?)
  • Shaders! I want to get those glowy glitchy letters back. (like hyperprocessing or hyperatompunk have done)


MIT, by Andre Staltz (and kinda Aslan French though mostly still Andre)