i18n-central-storage v2.0.4
helps to agragate translations from several projects to one place(in our case elasticsearch only supported),
You can have your own i18-n or i18n-2 with followen configuration for example:
var locales = ['ru', 'en'];
var i18nConfig = {
locales: locales,
defaultLocale: 'ru',
directory: './messages/'
var i18n = new (require('i18n-2'))(i18nConfig);
and you have your source files with messages that should be translated, so you can specify patterns for singular and plural:
// match any string in your code with gettext('any text')
var pattern = /gettext\('(.*?)'\)/gi;
// match any string in your code with gettextP('singular', 'plural', count)
var pluralPattern = /gettextP\('(.*?)', *'(.*?)', *(\d+)\)/gi;
and directories where your source code located:
var directories = [
path.resolve(__dirname, '../templates/'),
path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/js')
and extentions(array of strings) that should be included in search:
var extentions = ['.js', '.ejs', '.jsx'];
list of other configuration options:
// setting extension of messages files - defaults to '.js'
extension: '.js',
// where to store files - required parameter
messagesDirectory: './mylocales',
// here you should specify host and port of your elasticsearch instance,
// index wich you are going to use and project reference to split several projects by
// that property
var elasticConfig = {
host: '',
index: 'localizations',
project: 'projectReferenceOne'
as result all you translated messages will be fetched from elasticsearch and placed to your localization file.
usage example as a gulp task for one locale:
var I18nCentralStorage = require('i18n-central-storage');
var path = require('path');
var directories = [
path.resolve(__dirname, '../templates/'),
path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/js')
var messagesDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, '../messages/');
var extentions = ['.js', '.ejs', '.jsx'];
var pattern = /gettext\('(.*?)'\)/gi;
var elasticConfig = {
host: '',
index: 'localizations',
project: 'projectReferenceOne'
var taskFunction = function() {
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var i18nCentralStorage = new I18nCentralStorage.default({
}, function() {
var locale = 'ru';
var result = i18nCentralStorage.analize(locale);
.syncLocale(result, locale, { writeResultToFile: true })
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (error) {
return promise;
module.exports = taskFunction;
migration to version 2.*
since we should use only one _type for future versions of elastic (from 7.*) we should gave only documents with single type, see: https://www.elastic.co/blog/index-type-parent-child-join-now-future-in-elasticsearch
execute in kibana following:
POST _reindex
"source": {
"index": "localizations"
"dest": {
"index": "localizations.v2"
"script": {
"source": """
ctx._id = ctx._type + "-" + ctx._id;
ctx._source.locale = ctx._type;
ctx._type = "doc";
POST localizations.v2/doc/_delete_by_query
"query": {
"match": {
"locale": {
"query": "messages"