0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

i18n-chunks-webpack-plugin v0.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago


Look in all chunks for files that match a rule and then, associate and generate translations files with it. If you have lazy loaded files, the plugin will generate separates files for each chunks and each langs defined by the rules.


Install with npm:

npm i i18n-chunks-webpack-plugin



const I18NChunksWebpackPlugin = require('i18n-chunks-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
  entry: 'index.js',
  output: {
    path: __dirname + '/dist',
    filename: 'index_bundle.js'
  plugins: [
    new I18NChunksWebpackPlugin({
      // Modules requiring translation
      modules: [
          // Identigying module
          rule: /src\/module1\.js$/i,

          // Defining langs for it
          languagesFiles: {
            'en-US': '@/i18n/en.js', // Filename doesen't matter but key does.
            'fr-FR': '@/i18n/fr.js'
        // ... you can add other rules or import a ones of package

       * Directory for temporary files (i18n chunks)
      tmpEntriesPath: './webpack-i18n-entries'


The plugin will generate i18n chunks next to the code chunks:

Code chunks:
app.jsMain app chunk
0.jsLazy loaded chunk
1.jsLazy loaded chunk
index.htmlApp html
I18N Chunks:
app-en-US.jsApp english chunk
app-fr-FR.jsApp french chunk
0-en-US.jsLazy loaded I18N chunk
0-fr-FR.jsLazy loaded I18N chunk
1-en-US.jsLazy loaded I18N chunk
1-fr-FR.jsLazy loaded I18N chunk
webpack-i18n-manifest.jsI18N Chunk manifest

The app chunk is necessary if the user wants to change the language of the page. Each I18N chunk will contains translation for all files in the associated chunk. I will publish a project to import and use these i18n chunks on the client side and update this doc later. Stay tuned!