0.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

i18n2-md-to-dom v0.1.0

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Last release
7 years ago



$ npm install i18n2-md-to-dom


Converts i18n2 message, supposedly written with markdown format into DOM

var _ = require('i18n2')(locale);
var md2Dom = require('i18n2-md-to-dom');

var dom = md2Dom(_("Some text with __important__ content."));
// dom reflects: <p>Some text with <strong>important</strong> content.</p>

// Inserts are fully supported
dom = md2Dom(_("My name is __${ fullName }__.", {
  fullName: "John Smith"
// dom reflects: <p>My name is <strong>John Smith</strong>.</p>

Inline level output

Additionally inline option is supported, it'll output DOM for first element that contains strictly inline content.

It's helpful when we want to resolve texts for simple one line messages and be sure we won't end with block-level content

var _ = require('i18n2')(locale);
var md2Dom = require('i18n2-md-to-dom');

var dom = md2Dom(_("Some text with __important__ content."), { inline: true });
// dom reflects document fragment that contains:
// Some text with <strong>important</strong>content

var dom = md2Dom(_("# Some heading\n## Other heading"), { inline: true });
// dom reflects document fragment that contains:
// Some heading

Behind the scenes it uses Remarkable markdown parser

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$ npm test