0.0.0-beta.9 • Published 2 years ago

i18nshell v0.0.0-beta.9

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2 years ago


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Tiny i18n shell

English | 中文说明


yarn add i18nshell
# or
npm install i18nshell --save

Basic Usage

import I18n from 'i18nshell'

const i18n = new I18n({
  types: {
    default: {
      resources: {
        en: {
          greet: 'Hello, {{name}}'
        zh: {
          greet: '你好,{{name}}'

async function test() {
  await I18n.applyLng('en');
  i18n.t('greet', {
    name: 'CJY'
  }) // get string 'Hello, CJY'

  await I18n.applyLng('zh');
  i18n.t('greet', {
    name: 'CJY'
  }) // get string '你好,CJY' 

Add customized i18n types such as currency, time, etc.

i18nshell has simple text translation built in

Currency, time and other nationalization functions need to be implemented by expanding types

Use @ to select the type of translation you want to use

import I18n from 'i18nshell'

const i18n = new I18n({
  types: {
    price: {
      resource: false, // Not using resources
      format: (value) => {
        const unit = {
          en: '$',
          zh: '¥'

        return `${unit}${value}`
    jsx: { 
      resources: {
        en: {
          clickHere: 'click {{here}}'
        zh: {
          clickHere: '点击 {{here}}'
      format: (value, data) => (
          {I18n.template(value, data, { split: true }).map((item, idx) => (
            <Fragment key={idx}>{item}</Fragment>

async function test() {
  await I18n.applyLng('en');
  i18n.t('1000@price') // get string '$1000'

  await I18n.applyLng('zh');
  i18n.t('1000@price') // get string '¥1000'

  // get jsx content
  i18n.t('clickHere@jsx', {
    here: (
      <a href="https://www.google.com">google</a>

Lazyload resources

The following settings work with the import (...) syntax, en language packs are only loaded when needed

// en.js
export default {
  greet: 'Hello, {{name}}'
// ./i18n.js
import I18n from 'i18nshell'

new I18n({
  types: {
    default: {
      resources: {
        en: I18n.load(() => import('./en.js')),
        zh: {
          greet: '你好,{{name}}'

Split and inherit other language packs

Implemented using the fallback configuration item

import I18n from 'i18nshell'

const i18n_1 = new I18n({
  types: {
    default: {
      resources: {
        zh: {
          test1: '测试1'

const i18n_2 = new I18n({
  fallback: [i18n_1],
  types: {
    default: {
      resources: {        
        zh: {
          test2: '测试2'

const i18n_3 = new I18n({
  fallback: [i18n_2],
  types: {
    default: {
      resources: {        
        zh: {
          test3: '测试3'

async function test() {
  await I18n.applyLng('zh')
  i18n_3.t('test1') // get string '测试1' fallback i18n_2 -> i18n_1
  i18n_3.t('test2') // get string '测试2' fallback i18n_2
  i18n_3.t('test3') // get string '测试3'