0.6.3 • Published 8 years ago

iapyang-vue-template v0.6.3

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Last release
8 years ago


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🐛 Polish

  • advance fucntion on merge options

For more old changelog, please go to Changelog


  • language:vue
  • style:sass+postcss
  • javascript:es6
  • pack:webpack

Directory Structure

    |   |——component/ all vue component    
    |   |   |——common/ common component can be used in global
    |   |   |——layout/ component to build pages
    |   |   |——view/ route page  
    |   |   |——App.vue export vue    
    |   |——font/  
    |   |——image/    
    |   |——script/
    |   |   |——*.js
    |   |   |——plugin/
    |   |——store/ vuex  
    |   |   |——actions.js
    |   |   |——getters.js
    |   |   |——index.js
    |   |   |——mutation-types.js
    |   |   |——mutations.js
    |   |   |——state.js 
    |   |——style/ common style    
    |   |——router.js router    
    |   |——static/
    |——build/ output files

The Dev Directory

The dev folder contains evreythings you need during your development.

This folder is required.

The Component Directory

The component folder contains all the .vue files.

This folder is optional.

The Font Directory

The font folder contains font files.

This folder is optional.

The Image Directory

The image folder contains image files.

This folder is optional.

The Script Directory

The script folder contains javascript files.

The index.js file will be placed here.

This folder is required.

The Store Directory

The stroe folder contains vuex files.

This folder is optional.

The Style Directory

The style folder contains common scss files.

This folder is optional.


The router.js is file for vue router.

This is optional.

The Static Directory

The static store the files won;t change.

It'll copy to static folder when build.

This is optional.


Override webpack engine.

// used when you need more loader 

module.exports = {
  rules: [{
      test: /\.(html)$/,
      use: {
        loader: 'html-loader',
        options: {
          attrs: [':data-src']
  • bundle
// export js can be used by CDN & commonJs & AMD

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  bundle: {
    // js location
    path: path.resolve('./dev/component/App.vue'),
    // library name
    name: 'app',
// This is optional, if you use mine default template before, ignore this options
// with this you can render more than one page

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  htmlsOptions: [{
    // template location
    template: path.resolve(__dirname, './dev/view/demo.html'),
    // output js name, like 'demo/index' means index.js in demos folder
    name: 'demo/index',
    // template js files, must be an array
    entry: [path.resolve(__dirname, './dev/script/demo.js')],
  // default is 'cover', will not render mine default template unless you set it 'combine'
  htmlsHandleType: 'combine',


npm install iapyang-vue-template -D


In package.json, add scripts.

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "iapvt",
    "build": "iapvt build",
    "cli": "iapvt cli",
    "gh": "iapvt gh"


// for develop
npm run dev
// for build
npm run build
// for upload to git-pages
npm run gh
// for generate blank runable structure
npm run cli
// for generate blank runable structure without router files
npm run cli -r
// for generate blank runable structure without vuex files
npm run cli -s

To be done

  • user can change webpack url font & pics size