8.6.4 • Published 6 years ago

ibash-rc-slider v8.6.4

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


Slider UI component for React

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  • Supports IE9, IE9+, Chrome, Firefox & Safari


npm install --save rc-slider



import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Slider, { Range } from 'rc-slider';
// We can just import Slider or Range to reduce bundle size
// import Slider from 'rc-slider/lib/Slider';
// import Range from 'rc-slider/lib/Range';
import 'rc-slider/assets/index.css';

    <Slider />
    <Range />


createSliderWithTooltip(Slider | Range) => React.Component

An extension to make Slider or Range support Tooltip on handle.

const Slider = require('rc-slider');
const createSliderWithTooltip = Slider.createSliderWithTooltip;
const Range = createSliderWithTooltip(Slider.Range);

Online demo

After Range or Slider was wrapped by createSliderWithTooltip, it will have the following props:

tipFormatter(value: number): React.ReactNodevalue => valueA function to format tooltip's overlay
tipPropsObject{ placement: 'top', prefixCls: 'rc-slider-tooltip', overlay: tipFormatter(value) }A function to format tooltip's overlay

Common API

The following APIs are shared by Slider and Range.

classNamestring''Additional CSS class for the root DOM node
minnumber0The minimum value of the slider
maxnumber100The maximum value of the slider
marks{number: string} or{number: { style, dotStyle, activeDotStyle, label }}{}Marks on the slider. The key determines the position, and the value determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a specific mark point, the value should be an object which contains style and label properties. You can also set dotStyle and activeDotStyle properties to style the dot.
stepnumber or null1Value to be added or subtracted on each step the slider makes. Must be greater than zero, and max - min should be evenly divisible by the step value. When marks is not an empty object, step can be set to null, to make marks as steps.
verticalbooleanfalseIf vertical is true, the slider will be vertical.
handle(props) => React.ReactNodeA handle generator which could be used to customized handle.
includedbooleantrueIf the value is true, it means a continuous value interval, otherwise, it is a independent value.
disabledbooleanfalseIf true, handles can't be moved.
dotsbooleanfalseWhen the step value is greater than 1, you can set the dots to true if you want to render the slider with dots.
onBeforeChangeFunctionNOOPonBeforeChange will be triggered when ontouchstart or onmousedown is triggered.
onChangeFunctionNOOPonChange will be triggered while the value of Slider changing.
onAfterChangeFunctionNOOPonAfterChange will be triggered when ontouchend or onmouseup is triggered.
minimumTrackStyleObjectplease use trackStyle instead. (only used for slider, just for compatibility , will be deprecate at rc-slider@9.x)
maximumTrackStyleObjectplease use railStyle instead (only used for slider, just for compatibility , will be deprecate at rc-slider@9.x)
handleStyleArrayObject | Object[{}]The style used for handle. (both for slider(Object) and range(Array of Object), the array will be used for mutli handle follow element order)
trackStyleArrayObject | Object[{}]The style used for track. (both for slider(Object) and range(Array of Object), the array will be used for mutli track follow element order)w
railStyleObject{}The style used for the track base color.
dotStyleObject{}The style used for the dots.
activeDotStyleObject{}The style used for the active dots.


defaultValuenumber0Set initial value of slider.
valuenumber-Set current value of slider.
tabIndexnumber0Set the tabIndex of the slider handle.


defaultValuenumber[][0, 0]Set initial positions of handles.
valuenumber[]Set current positions of handles.
tabIndexnumber[][0, 0]Set the tabIndex of each handle.
countnumber1Determine how many ranges to render, and multiple handles will be rendered (number + 1).
allowCrossbooleantrueallowCross could be set as true to allow those handles to cross.
pushableboolean or numberfalsepushable could be set as true to allow pushing of surrounding handles when moving an handle. When set to a number, the number will be the minimum ensured distance between handles. Example: npm.io


npm install
npm start


npm start and then go to http://localhost:8005/examples/

Online examples: http://react-component.github.io/slider/

Test Case





rc-slider is released under the MIT license.