1.5.1 • Published 2 years ago

icecat-js v1.5.1

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2 years ago

Icecat API

Version License Build Status Known Vulnerabilities

With this package you can read the worldwide product information data from Icecat. This product information comes from editors like participating manufacturers. You can use this package for webshops, comparison websites, online shopping directories or enterprise resource planning systems.

Getting started

1) Icecat account

To create a Icecat account, go to the Icecat registration page.

2) Installation

Install the Icecat Node.js package by running the following command within your project's root directory:

npm install icecat --save

3) Basic usage

const icecat = require('icecat');

const icecatClient = new icecat('username', 'password');

// Language: en, GTIN: 4948570114344 (GTIN: EAN, UPC or GTIN-13/JAN)
  .getProduct('EN', '4948570114344')
  .then(function(product) {
    console.log('Description: ' + product.getLongDescription());

    const productImages = product.getImages();

    console.log('Product images:');
    for (let i in productImages) {
  .catch(function(reason) {
    console.error('Error or timeout', reason);

Demo: https://runkit.com/greencore/icecat-demo


getProduct(Language, GTIN)


Returns: productObject

getProductById(Language, ProductId)


Returns: productObject

getProductBySKU(Language, Brand, SKU)


Returns: productObject

getProductByXMLdata (xmldata)


  • xmlData: XML data from an Icecat XML file or XML web service

Returns: productObject



  • returnCode.FAIL (-1)
  • returnCode.SUCCESS (1)

getErrorMessage returns ErrorMessage {string} Example: The requested XML data-sheet is not present in the Icecat database.

getName returns Product Name {string} Example: X4071UHSU-B1

getTitle returns Product Title {string} Example: iiyama X4071UHSU-B1 39.5" LED 4K Ultra HD Black public display

getReleaseDate returns Product Release Date YYYY-MM-DD {string} Example: 2015-10-04

getLongDescription returns {string}

getShortDescription returns {string}

getProductInfoPDFurl returns {string} Example: http://pdfs.icecat.biz/pdf/48068167-5427.pdf

getProductManualPDFurl returns {string}

getProductUrl returns {string}

getSupplier returns {string} Example: iiyama

getCategory returns {string} Example: public displays

getFamily returns {object} Example: {"id":"30340","name":"ProLite"}

getId Get the Icecat product ID returns {string} Example: 29900045

getEan Get the first EAN from the productXML returns {string} Example: 4948570114344

getImages returns {array} Example:

    IsMain: 'Y',
    HighImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery/29900045_1198.jpg',
    LowImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_lows/29900045_1198.jpg',
    ThumbImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_thumbs/29900045_1198.jpg'
    IsMain: undefined,
    HighImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery/29900045_3889.jpg',
    LowImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_lows/29900045_3889.jpg',
    ThumbImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_thumbs/29900045_3889.jpg'
    IsMain: undefined,
    HighImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery/29900045_6765.jpg',
    LowImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_lows/29900045_6765.jpg',
    ThumbImg: 'http://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_thumbs/29900045_6765.jpg'

getSpecifications returns {array}

getMultimediaObjects returns {Array}

getCategoryFeatureGroups returns {Array} Example:

  { id: '10074', name: 'Display' },
  { id: '10080', name: 'Audio' },
  { id: '10083', name: 'Ports & interfaces' },
  { id: '10073', name: 'Weight & dimensions' },
  { id: '10081', name: 'Power' },
  { id: '10084', name: 'Operational conditions' },
  { id: '10871', name: 'Technical details' },
  { id: '10078', name: 'Packaging data' },
  { id: '10101', name: 'Other features' },
  { id: '10869', name: 'Design' },
  { id: '10870', name: 'Performance' },
  { id: '16263', name: 'Computer system' }

About Icecat

product infohttps://icecat.biz/


MIT License