112.8.1 • Published 4 years ago

iced-coffee-script-3 v112.8.1

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Last release
4 years ago

                                   _____       __  __
                                  / ____|     / _|/ _|
 .- ----------- -.               | |     ___ | |_| |_ ___  ___
(  (ice cubes)    )              | |    / _ \|  _|  _/ _ \/ _ \
|`-..________ ..-'|              | |___| (_) | | | ||  __/  __/
|                 |               \_____\___/|_| |_| \___|\___|
|                 ;--.
|                (__  \            _____           _       _
|                 | )  )          / ____|         (_)     | |
|                 |/  /          | (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_
|                 (  /            \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
|                 |/              ____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_
|                 |              |_____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|
 `-.._________..-'                                  | |

CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. IcedCoffeeScript is a superset of CoffeeScript that adds two new keywords: await and defer.

IcedCoffeeScript is based on CoffeeScript V1 - the one without Javascript ES6 support. Based on top of last CoffeeScript V1, version 1.12.8, git commit id: 943579a23943ce62e8d2e3dbc868f22bac773f36.

Iced v3 Alpha

We're current alpha-testing Iced v3, which emits ES6 with yields and generators. Relative to Iced v2, this version stays much closer to the CoffeeScript main body of code, and emits much simpler code. The downside is that the target must run ES6, or be transpiled into ES5 with a further step not handled by this package.

How to Build

./bin/cake build


If you have the node package manager, npm, installed:

npm install -g iced-coffee-script-3

Leave off the -g if you don't wish to install globally. If you don't wish to use npm:

git clone -b iced3 https://github.com/maxtaco/coffeescript.git
sudo coffeescript/bin/cake install

Getting Started



Execute a script:

iced3 /path/to/script.iced

Compile a script:

iced3 -c /path/to/script.iced

For documentation, usage, and examples, see: http://coffeescript.org/

To suggest a feature or report a bug: http://github.com/maxtaco/coffeescript/issues

The source repository: https://github.com/maxtaco/coffeescript.git

Note about source-map-support

Since v112.8.1 (2019-12-20), IcedCoffeeScript v3 uses source-map-support package to handle location mapping for stack traces for errors coming from IcedCoffeeScript code. It's enabled by default when using iced3 to run scripts or when using register to enable IcedCoffeeScript in Node's module system.

To enable it manually (e.g. in environments other than Node.js or when not using register), use the following API:


This function can also be called with options for source-map-support instead of an empty object. Available options are described in source-map-support README file.

To use the old error handler, use the following API instead:
