0.0.3 • Published 10 years ago

iced-cream v0.0.3

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10 years ago


A Node module to help write cleaner code, especially around error checking, when using Iced Coffee Script

iced-cream contains these functions:

checkError(err, message, data, callback)


    ic = require 'iced-cream'


        db.run "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_table (some_columb INTEGER, last_updated_time INTEGER)", {}, defer err
    ic.checkError err, "Failed setting up my_table table. Bailing.", { db: db }, callback

err gets checked for an error from the deferred callback. If there is an error, then the message is logged and the error is thrown, so that you stop proceeding down your current code path. data is just extra data to be logged. callback is the callback passed into your async function. If it is a function, it will be called with err in either the success or failure case

error(message, data, callback)


    ic = require 'iced-cream'


    # err from previous await block is null because everything
    # went fine, but we have a runtime problem we've detected based
    # on data we've received
    if someValue > maxValueItShouldBe
        ic.error "Your value is too big; we have a problem", { someValue: someValue, maxValueItShouldBe: maxValueItShouldBe }, callback

message is the error messsge you want to log; data is additional data for hte log; and callback is the callback passed into your async function. A new Error object will be created and pass as err to the callback in this case. And from there, we will throw that Error so that things don't continue down this code path since there is a problem. If you do want to continue down this code path, but want to log the error, you should be able to just use your logging module

assert(shouldBeTrue, message, data, callback)

Asserts that something is true; if not, it calls the callback with an appropriate value of err and throws that AssertionError to stop executing the current code path.


    ic = require 'iced-cream'
        db_.run_ "DELETE FROM users WHERE userId = $userId", { $userId: userId }, defer(err, result)
    ic.assert (result.changes == 1), "When deleting user from database, changed #{ result.changes } rows (should have been exactly 1)", { userId: userId, result: result }, callback

saveTo(name, this_)

A common pattern when using the iced REPL is to want to call a function, capture its return value and then inspect and manipulate that value, or maybe call another function with it. This is tricky in the world of async programming since the value isn't actually returned but is instead passed on to the callback, which then passes that on to another callback, etc.

To be able to work more easily with things in the shell, you can

    ic = require 'iced-cream'
    model = require './model'
    ic.saveTo('feross') model.User.newUser, { name: "Feross Aboukhadijeh" }

And then once that code is finished running, the global variable feross will be set to the value of the new user object that was passed to the callback.

The this_ parameter is optional and can be used if you want to store the value not as a global, but as a property of some other object (which you would pass in as this_)

deferThis(fn, this_)

This is useful for times when a function transmits some information to a callback by binding it to this instead of passing it as a parameter. deferThis will add the value of this as an extra parameter to the callback when it gets called.

fn is the function you want to transform; this_ is optional; if you need the function to be a bound method, you can specify the object it should be bound to with this_.


One time when this is useful is when working with the node-sqlite3 library

The reason for this here is that .run only calls a callback with one paramter -- err -- and to pass values, it binds the this of the callback to an object with lastID and/or changes if applicable but defer doesn't give us access to this in any easy way, so we use a helper function -- ic.deferThis -- to wrap the original function call so it will call the callback with this not only bound to it but passed as a last parameter, which lets us capture its value using defer.

Also, we add this method inside the await block so that it is· available even before the database has finished opening, since that will sometimes happen and the database API supports that

    db_.run_ = ic.deferThis db_.run, db_


You won't normally need to call this, but if you have some custom logger that implements a similar interface to winston then you can call setLogger on it, and it will be used instead of vanilla winston.


    ic = require 'iced-cream'
    log = require './log'
    ic.setLogger log

10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago