0.1.8 • Published 2 months ago

idosell v0.1.8

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2 months ago

Idosell REST API

This package wraps around the Idosell REST Api to make it easier to use by implementing chainable options, more intuitive methods and helpers to format requests more easily. Official Idosell documentation is still applicable for the most part.

Basic use

Package translates awkward gate names into more readable method names using REST verbs and gateways. Most of the possible methods are kept as is, only changed to camel case. For example:

import idosell from 'idosell';
const idosellRequest = idosell('SHOP_URL', 'API_KEY', API_VERSION)

API_KEY can be obtained in your Idosell panel. SHOP_URL is the base URI of your shop. API_VERSION version of the API to call, current default version is v3 Here are some examples:


Properties vs endpoints

After initializing the Idosell object, call one of its properties to retrieve methods concerning the endpoint you are going to use. For example:

const categories = idosellRequest.getProductsCategories.params(parameters).exec();

In this example, getProductCategories translates to a GET request to the products/categories endpoint. You can use the params() method to set parameters for the request as JSON object as per Idosell guidelines. Analogously, you can send a PUT request to the same endpoint by using the following code:

const createCategoryRequest = idosellRequest.putProductsCategories.params(parameters).exec();

Note that the method categories() is used to set the request body, while the exec() method is used to send the request and retrieve data from the endpoint.

Some less obvious gate properties include:

idosellRequest.getProducts.exec(); // Translates to GET on /products/products endpoint
idosellRequest.listProducts.exec(); // Translates to POST on /products/products/get endpoint
idosellRequest.deleteProducts.exec(); // Translates to POST on /products/products/delete endpoint
idosellRequest.deleteProductsOpinions.exec() // Translates to POST on products/opinions/opinions/delete endpoint

Chaining methods to set request parameters

Alternatively to setting parameters in an object, you can chain several methods named after top-level parameters to set their value to your request. To execute the request after setting all the parameters, run the exec() method.

const idosellRequest = idosell('https://yourdomain.com', 'API_KEY');
const categories = idosellRequest.getProductsCategories.ids([123, 456, 789]).languages(['pol', 'eng']).result_page(1).result_limit(10).exec();

This example will generate the following GET request:


A POST request will generate a JSON body request.

await idosellRequest.postDiscountsRebatesCode.campaign_id(123).code_number('REBATECODE').exec();

This example will generate a POST request with the following body:

  "campaign_id": 123, 
  "code_number": "REBATECODE" 

Helper functions

There are several methods that are included in the methods list that are not defined by specifications, but are designed to set parameters more easily and withour relying on specifitactions for single endpoint.

Page and Count

Several endpoints return big number of results making in neccessary to inlcude paging of the results in the form of either results_page/results_limit or resultsPage/resultsLimit parameters. These enpoints include both page(pageNumber, limit) and count() methods.

const categoriesCount = idosellRequest.getProductsCategories.count();
// use to count number of categories

const categories = idosellRequest.getProductsCategories.page(1,10).exec();
// is equivalent to using the following (without needing to know if this endpoint uses results_page or resultsPage parameter):
//const categories = idosellRequest.getProductsCategories.results_page(1).result_limit(10).exec();

Looping through pages

The execution of the Idosell request checks for the next page and applies it. This is available for use with native loop functions using the hasNext() function

const getReturnsRequest = idosellRequest.getReturns.dates('2023-12-01').page(0, 10)

while (getReturnsRequest.hasNext()) {
    const results = await idosellRequest.exec();
    // do something with results

Date, date ranges and formatting

Some endpoints require dates in either the "YYYY-MM-DD" format or the "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" format. Many of them use a set of dates to define the range of the results, for example, listing orders dispatched between the start of the month and the end of the same month. Instead, you can use the dates() helper:

const dispatchedOrders = idosellRequest.listOrders.dates('2023-12-01', '2023-12-31', 'dispatch').exec();
// This function will return orders that have dispatch date betwen 2023-12-01 00:00:00 and 2023-12-31 23:59:59

This example will translate to following request body:

  "ordersRange": {
    "ordersDateRange": {
      "ordersDateBegin": "2023-12-01 00:00:00",
      "ordersDateEnd": "2023-12-31 23:59:59",
      "ordersDateType": "dispatch"

As an argument, you can pass anything that is accepted as a native Date constructor or leave it empty for the current timestamp. For example:

const orders = idosellRequest.listOrders.dates(Date.now() - 86400000).exec();
// This function will return orders added (default value of date type is 'add') between 24 hours ago and now

Array of objects

Some endpoints require an array of objects. As complex as they may be, there are some helpers to make it easier.

Simple objects

For GET requests, they are mostly simple objects with single keys that can be set with a single method with a simple array.

const orderAnalytics = await idosellRequest.getOrdersAnalytics.serialNumbers([123,456,789]).exec()

This will translate to following request parameters:

  "orders": [
    { "orderSerialNumber": 123 },
    { "orderSerialNumber": 456 },
    { "orderSerialNumber": 789 }

Complex objects

For POST and PUT requests, there is usually a main parameter with an array of very complex objects, like a list of products to add / edit. The append() method allows you to use them in a more simplistic way without worrying about the array itself.

const updatedProducts = idosellRequest.putProducts
    .settings({ settingModificationType: 'edit' })
    .productId(103).productDisplayedCode('CODE3').productNote('Latest product').exec()

This request translates into the following request body:

      "productNote":"Latest product"

This request modifies 3 products, each with their own parameters. Products are separated using the append() method. This method can also be used in a loop.

const productCodes = [
    { id: 202, code: 'CODE202' },
    { id: 203, code: 'CODE203' },
    { id: 204, code: 'CODE204' },

const updateProducts = idosellRequest.putProducts.settings({ settingModificationType: 'edit' })
for (const { id, code } of productCodes) {

Other formatters

Some other helpers include following methods


Some endpoints have the option to customize the ordering of results. This helper simplifies the parameters by passing two parameters: elementName and if order should be descending (true by default), but does not allow ordering on multiple fields.

const lowestRatings = await idosellRequest.getProductsOpinions.orderBy('rating', false).exec();

This will translate to following request parameters:

  "ordersBy": [
      "elementName": "rating",
      "sortDirection": "ASC"

Set text

This method is used specifically for updating and creating products and allows you to easily set multiple types of descriptions in different languages and different shops.

idosellRequest.putProducts.setText(text, type, languageId, shopId)
FieldDescriptionDefaultPossible values
textContent to be added to the product(none)any
typeType of textshortSee below
languageIdLanguage of the textpolAny ISO 639-2 language installed in the panel
shopIdShop of the text (leave blank for general description)nullAny ID of a shop installed in the panel

Possible text types:

nameName of the productUp to 420 characters, no HTML
shortShort description of the productUp to 255 characters, no HTML
longLong description of the productPreferred HTML
metatitleContents of the title tag, name of the product pageUp to 255 characters, no HTML
metadescriptionMeta description, often used by search enginesUp to 255 characters, no HTML
metakeywordsMeta keywords, sometimes used by search enginesUp to 255 characters, no HTML
acutionnameAuction name exported to marketplacesDepends on marketplace
auctiondescriptionAuction description exported to marketplacesPossibly HTML

Example of usage:

const updateProduct = await idosellRequest.putProducts.productId(202).setText('Świetny produkt').setText('Awesome product', 'short', 'eng').setText('This product is really amazing', 'long', 'eng', 1).exec();

This will result in following request body

    "products": [
            "productId": 202,
            "productParamDescriptions": {
                "productParamDescriptionsLangData": [
                        "langId": "pol",
                        "productParamDescriptions": "Świetny produkt"
                        "langId": "eng",
                        "productParamDescriptions": "Awesome product"
            "productLongDescriptions": {
                "productLongDescriptionsLangData": [
                        "langId": "eng",
                        "shopId": 1,
                        "productLongDescription": "<p>This product is really amazing</p>"


You can use the getParams() function to retrieve request parameters as Javascript Object.

const orderRequest = idosellRequest.getOrders.ordersSerialNumbers([123, 456, 789]).getParams();
// Will return Object: { ordersSerialNumbers: [ 123, 456, 789 ] }


Read documentation from this package and more examples on This page


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