0.0.2 • Published 5 months ago

idrive v0.0.2

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5 months ago

Unofficial iCloud Drive client for Linux built on the icloud.com/drive API


This is a client for iCloud Drive built on top of a non-public API. It aims to minimize API requests by utilizing caching. Developed with fp-ts, io-ts, yargs-command-wrapper for args parsing.


This is an unofficial client. Use it at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any data loss or any other issues that may arise from using this software. Always have a backup of your data.


npm install -g idrive


  • Fish shell completions for idrive are available
  idrive init                    Init new session
  idrive auth                    Authenticate a session
  idrive ls [paths..]            List files in a folder
  idrive mkdir <path>            Create a folder
  idrive cat <path>              View the content of a text file
  idrive edit <path>             Edit a text file
  idrive mv <srcpath> <dstpath>  Move or rename a file or a folder
  idrive rm [paths..]            Remove files and folders
  idrive download <paths..>      Download a file or a folder
  idrive upload <paths..>        Upload files and folders
  idrive recover <path>          Recover a file from the trash
  idrive autocomplete <path>     Autocomplete path

      --help          Show help                                        [boolean]
      --version       Show version number                              [boolean]
      --session-file  Session file
      --cache-file    Cache file
      --no-cache      Disable cache                   [boolean] [default: false]
  -a, --api-usage     API usage strategy
          [string] [choices: "onlycache", "fallback", "validate", "o", "f", "v"]
                                                           [default: "validate"]
  -d, --debug                                         [boolean] [default: false]


Initializes new session.

idrive init

idrive init --session-file myicloud.json

Do not login, just create the session file.

idrive init --skip-login

Authenticate the session file

idrive auth

idrive auth --session-file myicloud.json

Use ICLOUD_SESSION_FILE environment variable to specify the session file

export ICLOUD_SESSION_FILE=~/.config/idrive/icloud-session.json


List directory contents. Supports globs

idrive ls

idrive ls /MyNotes/my1/

idrive ls '/MyNotes/my1/*.md'

idrive ls -l '/Camera/*.{png,PNG,jpg}'

Multiple paths

idrive ls /MyNotes/ '/Camera/*.jpg' /Pages/Report.pages

More verbose output (adds size, date, item type)

idrive ls -l /MyNotes/my1/

More verbose output (adds drivewsid, etag)

idrive ls -ll /MyNotes/my1/

Print folder or file info

idrive ls -i /MyNotes/my1/ '/Camera/IMG_0198.jpg'

Print full paths

idrive ls -f /MyNotes/my1/

Human readable sizes

idrive ls -lh /MyNotes/my1/


idrive ls -S size /

idrive ls -S date /

Recursive listing (may take some time to process deep trees). Note: the command below will save the whole tree into the cache

idrive ls -R /

idrive ls -R / /MyNotes

Use recursive flag for the globstar pattern

idrive ls -R '/MyNotes/my1/**/*.md'

Limit the depth of recursion

idrive ls -R -D 2 '/MyNotes/my1/**/*.md'

Sort by size recursively looking for the largest files

idrive ls -S size -R -h /

Output result as a tree

idrive ls -R -D 2 --tree /MyNotes/my1/

idrive ls -R -T '/MyNotes/my1/**/*.md'

Search in the cache (will fail if the cache is not enough to fulfill the request)

idrive ls -R '/**/*.md' -a onlycache

Search in the cache and fall back to the API if the cache is not enough

idrive ls -R '/**/*.md' -a fallback

Print cached tree

idrive ls -RT -a o /

Same for trash

idrive ls --trash ...

rm paths..

Removes files and folders. Supports globs. By default moves files to the trash

idrive rm '/MyNotes/my1/note.md'

Multiple paths

idrive rm '/MyNotes/my1/*.md' /Camera/IMG_0198.jpg

Use recursion flag for the globstar pattern

idrive rm -R '/MyNotes/my1/**/*.md'

Use --dry flag to check what is going to be removed

idrive rm -R '/MyNotes/my1/**/*.md' --dry

Delete file skipping trash

idrive rm --skip-trash /Camera/IMG_0198.jpg

Do not ask for the confirmation

idrive rm --force /Camera/IMG_0198.jpg

Remove from trash (forever)

idrive rm --trash /file.txt


View the content of a text file

idrive cat /MyNotes/my1/note.md


Move or rename a file or a folder. You cannot move between different zones (e.g. between APP_LIBRARIES and Docws)

Remote file will be renamed

idrive mv /MyNotes/my1/note1.md /MyNotes/my1/note2.md

Remote file will be moved and renamed

idrive mv /MyNotes/my1/note1.md /MyNotes/old/note2.md

Remote file will be moved

idrive mv /MyNotes/my1/note1.md /MyNotes/note1.md


Recover a file from the trash

idrive recover '/note1.md'


Creates a folder

idrive mkdir /MyNotes/my1/notes/


Editing works by downloading the file to a temporary file and uploading it back. It seems there is no way to overwrite remote file, so the remote file will be removed before uploading.

Opens the file in vi. If the file is not found, it will be created.

idrive edit /MyNotes/my1/notes/note1.md

Opens the file in a different editor (defaults to vi)

idrive edit --editor subl /MyNotes/my1/notes/note1.md

idrive edit /Camera/IMG_0205.PNG --editor gimp


Download a file or a folder content.

A single file

idrive download /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/

idrive download /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/different_name.md

Multiple files

idrive download /MyNotes/my1/note1.md /MyNotes/my1/note2.md /Camera/IMG_0198.jpg outputdir/

Files from a folder

idrive download /MyNotes/my1/ outputdir/

idrive download /MyNotes/my1/\*.md outputdir/

idrive download '/Camera/*.{png,PNG,jpg}' outputdir/

Do not update atime and mtime of the files (by default they are updated to what remote files have)

idrive download -T /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/

Skip downloading files with the same size and date

idrive download -S /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/

Overwrite existing local files without asking

idrive download -o /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/

Skip downloading existing local files without asking

idrive download -s /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/

Do not ask for the last confirmation

idrive download -N /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/

Verbose output

idrive download -v /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/

Dry run

idrive download --dry /MyNotes/my1/note1.md outputdir/

Recursively download folders.

idrive download -R /MyNotes/my1/ outputdir/

This will download into outputdir/MyNotes/my1/

idrive download -RF /MyNotes/my1/ outputdir/

Limit the depth of recursion

idrive download -R -D 2 /MyNotes/my1/ outputdir/

Globstar pattern is supported

idrive download -R '/MyNotes/my1/diary/**/*.md' outputdir/

include and exclude flags can be used to filter files (supports globs)

idrive download -R '/MyNotes/my1/diary/**/*.md' outputdir/

Same as:

idrive download -R '/MyNotes/my1/diary' outputdir/ --include '**/*.md'

Using exclude flag:

idrive download -R '/MyNotes/my1/diary/**/*.md' outputdir/ --include '**/*.png' --exclude '**/Archive/**/*'

The filter is: path is matching the include glob (if not empty) and not matching exclude glob (if not empty)

Use dry flag to only check what is going to be downloaded.

idrive download -R '/MyNotes/ --dry


Web version of icloud drive doesn't support overwriting files. Old file has to be removed before uploading.

Upload a single file

idrive upload ~/Documents/note1.md /MyNotes/my1/notes/

idrive upload ~/Documents/note1.md /MyNotes/my1/notes/different_name.md

Overwrite existing file (removes the old file before uploading)

idrive upload --overwrite ~/Documents/note1.md /MyNotes/my1/notes/

Upload multiple files

idrive upload ~/Documents/note1.md ~/Documents/note2.md ~/Documents/note3.md /MyNotes/my1/notes/

Upload a folder. Uploading a folder will always create a new folder in the destination folder. Uploading over an existing folder is not allowed currently.

idrive upload -R ~/Documents/ /MyNotes/my1/notes/

Upload a selection of files

idrive upload -R '~/Documents/**/*.md' /MyNotes/my1/notes/

Use dry flag to only check what is going to be uploaded.


Autocomplete path. Used for shell autocompletions.

Select files

idrive autocomplete --file /

Select folders

idrive autocomplete --dir /

From trash

idrive autocomplete --trash /

Use cache (faster but not always up to date)

idrive autocomplete -a onlycache /

API/cache usage strategy

--api-usage validate

Default behaviour. Always validates cached paths by retrieving them from API.

--api-usage onlycache

Will not use the API. Only retrieve from cache.

--api-usage fallback

Retrieves from API if the cache is not enough.

Short variants: -a o, -a f, -a v

Known issues

  • state/session is not saved if an error is thrown in SRTE chain


Need a feature or have an idea? Open an issue!


5 months ago


5 months ago


5 months ago


5 months ago


5 months ago