0.0.1 • Published 5 months ago

ies-dynamic-input v0.0.1

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5 months ago

IE01Y23BC (Base Clone FrontEnd)


Explaining name project.

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Directory Structure

The top level directory structure will be as follows:

└── /src
    ├── /api
    ├── /assets
    ├── /components
    ├── /configs
    ├── /constants
    ├── /contexts
    ├── /hooks
    ├── /interface
    ├── /locales
    ├── /modules
    ├── /pages
    ├── /routes
    ├── /services
    ├── /shared
    ├── /stores
    ├── /styles
    ├── /types
    └── /utils

Folder Structures and explanation:


  • Modules folder contain an application feature. Each module has components, hooks, pages, routes and interfaces required by the module, creating each as a block.
    └── /src
        └── /modules
                └── /IESase
                    ├── /assets
                    ├── /components
                    ├── /constants
                    ├── /hooks
                    ├── /interface
                    ├── /locale
                    ├── /pages
                    ├── /routes
                    ├── /services
                    ├── /styles
                    └── /utils


  • The api folder contains the API Layer of our application. It will have methods that are responsible for performing API requests and communicating with a server.
    └── /src
        └── /api
            ├── /APIInterceptor.ts
            ├── /common.ts


  • The assets folder contains fonts, images, and videos. In the fonts, you can keep any custom fonts and typefaces. In images store any pictures used throughout the application.
    └── /src
        └── /assets


  • The components folder contains any reusable components that are commonly used throughout the application. For instance, button, form components, components related to typography, and so on.
    └── /src
        └── /components
            ├── /Button.tsx
            ├── /ButtonStyles.ts 


  • The context directory should contain any global-level context state providers.
    └── /src
        └── /contexts
            ├── /AuthContext.tsx
            ├── /ThemeContext.tsx


  • In the config directory, you can put any runtime config files for your application and third-party services.
    └── /src
        └── /configs
                ├── /consts.ts


  • Here you can put any constant variables that are used throughout the application.
    └── /src
        └── /constants
            └── /Theme
                    ├── /ThemeConstants.ts


  • The hooks directory, as the name suggests, would hold any custom and reusable hooks.
    └── /src
        └── /hooks
            ├── /useTheme.ts
            ├── /useTable.ts


  • The pages directory contains your web application views.
    └── /src
        └── /pages
            └── /Login
                ├── /Login.tsx
                ├── /LoginStyle.ts 


  • The routes folder is just a place in your web application to store the routes path to different screens.
    └── /src
        └── /routes
            └── /guards
            └── /pages
                ├── /Auth.tsx
                ├── /Dashboard.tsx


  • The global data store will be contained in the store directory - in this case, Redux. Each feature will have a folder, which will contain the Redux Toolkit slice, as well as actions and tests.
    └── /src
        └── /stores
            ├── /AccountSlice.ts
            ├── /CommonSlice.ts


  • The share module doesn’t relate to a components, it lists reusable components used in other feature modules.
    └── /src
        └── /shared
            └── /MenuSelect
                ├── /index.tsx


  • Any utilities and small reusable functions should go here — for example, functions to format date, time, etc.
    └── /src
        └── /utils
            ├── /helper.ts
            ├── /utils.ts


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If you have ideas for releases in the future, it is a good idea to list them in the README.


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For people who want to make changes to your project, it's helpful to have some documentation on how to get started. Perhaps there is a script that they should run or some environment variables that they need to set. Make these steps explicit. These instructions could also be useful to your future self.

You can also document commands to lint the code or run tests. These steps help to ensure high code quality and reduce the likelihood that the changes inadvertently break something. Having instructions for running tests is especially helpful if it requires external setup, such as starting a Selenium server for testing in a browser.

Authors and acknowledgment

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Project status

If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers.