0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

ifttt-wordpress-webhook v0.0.1

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9 years ago


IFTTT Wordpress Webhook is a tiny package that allows a node application to expose a webhook, that can be triggered by IFTTT. It basically wraps a xmlrpc server with basic configuration, that mimics a typical wordpress server and run custom code when the method newPost is invoked by IFTTT.

Getting started

  • Configure IFTTT Wordpress Channel

IFTTT Wordpress Channel configuration

  • Create a IFTTT receipe with Wordpress as an action ("then")

  • Run the following code in a public facing machine

var iftttWebHook = require('ifttt-wordpress-webhook');
iftttWebHook({user: {
    name: 'foo',
    password: 'bar'
  webhook: function(data) {
    // Do something

Usage example: Proxy IFTTT action to another service

The idea here is to use some of the available fields in wordpress to define the service parameters. Let's assume the following:

  • The Title field will contain the method and the url
  • The Body field will contain the body to send to the service
  • The Categories field will contain the headers name
  • The Tags field will contain the headers values

Create the following receipe in IFTTT

Note: The service url does not contain the protocol. The reason behind this is that IFTTT rewrites URLs contained in a receipe fields into a short url, i.e. http://ift.tt/3NrWPwT. To prevent that, the protocol is manually happended before invoking the webhook. Currently only supports http.

IFTTT Wordpress Receipe for Webhook Proxy

Run the following code in a public facing machine

var request = require('request'),
    _ = require('lodash'),
    iftttWebHook = require('ifttt-wordpress-webhook');

Example payload:
[ '',
{ title: 'PUT //my.server.com/my/endpoint',
description: '{"message":"test"}',
categories: [ 'X-Request-ID', 'User-Agent' ],
mt_keywords: [ '1234567890', 'ifttt-wordpress-webhook' ],
post_status: 'publish' },
true ]
function webhook (data) {
  console.log ('webhook invoked with following data:', data);

  // Map fields
  var cache1 = data.title.split(' ');
  var options = {
    method: cache1[0],
    url: 'http:' + cache1[1], // See note above
    headers: _.zipObject(data.categories, data.mt_keywords),
    json: JSON.parse(data.description)

  /* options equals to
  { method: 'PUT',
  url: 'http://my.server.com/my/endpoint',
   { 'X-Request-ID': '1234567890',
     'User-Agent': 'ifttt-wordpress-webhook' },
  json: { message: 'Test' } }

var params = {
  user: {
    name: 'foo',
    password: 'bar'
  webhook: webhook

server = iftttWebHook(params);



Type: Object

Mandatory. Need to match the user and password filled out in the Wordpress Channel in IFTTT.


Type: Function

Mandatory. Function to invoke when the webhook is triggered.


Type: Object Default: {host: 'localhost', path: '/xmlrpc.php', port: 80}

Specify XMLRPC server configuration that IFTTT service hits.


$ npm run build