0.4.0 • Published 5 years ago

ifunnychatbotapi v0.4.0

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Last release
5 years ago

How to setup

You need a file or JSON format to pass into the function returned from require. for example:

const api = require('ifunnychatbotapi')(require('./config.json'));

The JSON should have this structure:

    "apiUrl": "https://api.ifunny.mobi/v4/",
    "appId": "AFB3A55B-8275-4C1E-AEA8-309842798187",
    "userAgent": "User-Agent: iFunny/5.8(8082) Android/8.0.0 (samsung; samsung; SM-G955U)",
    "bearerToken": "...",

Feel free to change apiUrl, appId, or userAgent if needed. You will need to gather the bearerToken.

The way to gather this parameter is by monitoring the requests coming out of iFunny using a tool such as Fiddler, Burp Suite, or Charles Proxy

  • bearerToken is the request sent in the Authorization header on each request to the /v4/ endpoint. Do not include the 'Bearer ' part.

Note: In the future the module should have authentication with only your email and password. Currently you will have to write your own library for generating bearer tokens. However, I have a library of mine and just have to implement it.

Now that you have the token set up, you can start writing code. The Api class inherits EventEmitter. This means that you can ask the API when stuff is ready or when it happens. Here's an example for a bot that echos back to a user.

// Require the API
const api = require('ifunnychatapi')(require('./config.json'));
// Start listening for messages once the bot has connected
api.once('ready', () => {
    // When the bot receives a message
    api.on('message', message => {
        // Send @username {text}

Here's an example that automatically joins chats when invited.

// Require the API
const api = require('ifunnychatapi')(require('./config.json'));
// Start listening for messages once the bot has connected
api.once('ready', () => {
    // When the bot receives a invite
    api.on('invited', chatUrl => {
        // Joins the channel with the chatUrl that was given from the invite

Here's an example that sends a file to the chat.

// Require the API
const api = require('ifunnychatapi')(require('./config.json'));
// Start listening for messages once the bot has connected
api.once('ready', () => {
    // When the bot recieves a message
    api.on('message', message => {
        // Creating a new command: .image
        // Checks if the message sent is .image
        if (message == '.image') {
            // Sends the image
            api.sendFile('https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/865062880168759297/yualzpn3.jpg', message.channelUrl, 'jpeg');

There are some other features that are currently undocumented.


5 years ago


5 years ago


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5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago