1.2.3 • Published 1 year ago

ilib-loctool-csv v1.2.3

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Last release
1 year ago


Ilib loctool plugin to parse and localize comma- or tab-separated value files


npm install ilib-loctool-csv


yarn add ilib-loctool-csv

Make sure to do that in the same directory as the loctool itself so that the loctool knows how to load this plugin automatically.


The plugin will look for the csv property within the settings of your project.json file. The following settings are used within the csv property:

  • mappings: a mapping between file matchers and an object that gives info used to localize the files that match it. This allows different csv files within the project to be processed with different schema. The matchers are a micromatch-style string, similar to the the includes and excludes section of a project.json file. The value of that mapping is an object that can contain the following properties:
    • method: (string) the method of localizable. Currently, the only value accepted is "copy" which means that a copy of the input file is created with localized column values in it. In the future, there will be support for other methods, such as multilingual csv files.
    • template: (string) a path template to use to generate the path to the translated output files. The template replaces strings in square brackets with special values, and keeps any characters intact that are not in square brackets. The default template, if not specified is "dir/basename-locale.extension". The plugin relies on the loctool to recognize and replaces the following strings in templates:
      • dir the original directory where the matched source file came from. This is given as a directory that is relative to the root of the project. eg. "foo/bar/strings.json" -> "foo/bar"
      • filename the file name of the matching file. eg. "foo/bar/strings.json" -> "strings.json"
      • basename the basename of the matching file without any extension eg. "foo/bar/strings.json" -> "strings"
      • extension the extension part of the file name of the source file. etc. "foo/bar/strings.json" -> "json"
      • locale the full BCP-47 locale specification for the target locale eg. "zh-Hans-CN" -> "zh-Hans-CN"
      • language the language portion of the full locale eg. "zh-Hans-CN" -> "zh"
      • script the script portion of the full locale eg. "zh-Hans-CN" -> "Hans"
      • region the region portion of the full locale eg. "zh-Hans-CN" -> "CN"
      • localeDir the full locale where each portion of the locale is a directory in this order: langage, script, region. eg, "zh-Hans-CN" -> "zh/Hans/CN", but "en" -> "en".
      • localeUnder the full BCP-47 locale specification, but using underscores to separate the locale parts instead of dashes. eg. "zh-Hans-CN" -> "zh_Hans_CN"
    • rowSeparatorRegex: (string) a regular expression that can be used to split the rows from each other
    • rowSeparator: (string) a single character that can be used to split the rows from each other. You should specify exactly one of rowSeparatorRegex and rowSeparator. Default if not specified is a new line char.
    • columnSeparator: (string) a single character that can be used to split the columns from each other. Default if not specified is a single comma.
    • headerRow: (boolean) if set to true, then first row of the file is a header row which contains a list of column names. When there is a header row, every column is considered localizable. If false, you must specify the columns array below to configure the columns. Default if not specified is true.
    • columns: (Array.) an array of column definitions in the order that they appear in the file. The default if this setting is not specified is that all columns are localizable. Each column definition can contains:
      • name: (string) a name for this column
      • localizable: (boolean) whether or not this column is localizable. Default: false, if not specified
      • locale: (string) the locale of this column. (not used yet -- will be used with multilingual csv support to be implemented later)
      • key: (boolean) this column contains the resource key for the other columns (not used yet -- will be used in multilingual csv support to be implemented later)

Example configuration:

    "settings": {
        "csv": {
            "mappings": {
                "src/**/*.csv": {
                    "template": "resources/[localeDir]/[basename].csv",
                    "rowSeparator": "\n\n",
                    "columnSeparator": ",",
                    "headerRow": false,
                    "columns": [
                            "name": "id"
                            "name": "name"
                            "name": "address"
                            "name": "description",
                            "localizable": true
                "src/**/app.tsv": {
                    "template": "[dir]/[basename]-[locale].tsv",
                    "headerRow": true,
                    "columns": [
                            "name": "id",
                            "name": "name",
                            "localizable": true
                            "name": "description",
                            "localizable": true
                            "name": "category",
                            "localizable": true

In the above example, any file named *.csv in the src directory will be parsed with the given settings. Only the description column is localizable. The output file name is sent to the resources directory.

In the second part of the example, any app.tsv file in the src directory will be parsed. In this case, there is a header row in the file that gives the names of the columns. The template specifies that the localized file name will also contain the locale to distinguish it from the source file.

If the name of the localized file that the template produces is the same as the source file name, this plugin will throw an exception, the file will not be localized, and the loctool will continue on to the next file.

Default Behaviour

In the absence of any mapping information, a default set of mappings will be applied. The plugin will assume that csv files contain rows separated by newline characters, and columns separated by a comma. It will also assume that tsv files contain rows separated by newline characters, and columns separated by a tab character. Both types of files are assumed to have a header row and that all columns are localizable.

If mappings are given, but a csv file does not match any of the match expressions, then that entire file is considered not localizable.


"Joe Schmoe","A really great guy, but not exceptional in any way.","regular guy"
"Jimmy Shmitts","A really Latino good actor with a German name.","Oscar winner"

Essentially, this means that we assume that the file has the following mappings:

    "settings": {
        "csv": {
            "mappings": {
                "**/*.csv": {
                    "method": "copy",
                    "template": "[dir]/[basename]-[locale].[extension]",
                    "rowSeparatorRegex": "[\n\r\f]+",
                    "columnSeparatorChar": ","
                "**/*.tsv": {
                    "method": "copy",
                    "template": "[dir]/[basename]-[locale].[extension]",
                    "rowSeparatorRegex": "[\n\r\f]+",
                    "columnSeparatorChar": "\t"


This plugin is license under Apache2. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Release Notes


  • update dependencies
  • convert unit tests from nodeunit to jest


  • update dependencies
  • use the loctool's logger instead of its own


  • Fix a bug where the pseudo locales were not initialized properly. This fix gets the right set of locales from the project settings to see if any of them are pseudo locales.


  • previous versions did not package the js files, which made them useless!
  • added content to this README.md
  • added support for mappings
  • added support for extracting resources from csvs
  • added support for configuring columns
  • added support for optional header row


  • add localization support


  • initial version
  • support reading csvs but not writing them