1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

illegalize v1.0.1

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5 years ago

w# Illegalize

A node.js library, pretrent you're Trump for a few seconds, make something illegal, done locally! The original repo is located here. This project is based off of Ivanseidel's Is Now Illegal. For a bit, the site was down for a bit and I wanted to still ban things, so I thought I should convert it to a nodejs library! (idk if I'm violating some legal stuff, but I would just like to say, Ivanseidel and the wonderful people down below are the ones who made everything about this project, I simply just took their code and wrapped it in a library).


As I mentioned above, the site was down for a bit a while ago. The costs for servers are too high and if they don't get enough donations, the site will shutdown soon. Please donate to them via Patreon.


const illegalize = require("illegalize");

const init = async () => {
  await illegalize("sample text", `${__dirname}/sample.gif`);

// => <root folder>/sample.gif


Type: string Description: The phrase that Trump will ban, notice that it has a maximum of 12 characters. Example: sample text


Type: string Description: Determines the PATH where the file should save to. Example: ./test.gif, ./files/ban.gif

Who made this?

Ivan Seidel, Bruno Lemos, & João Pedro.

For a full list of contributors, click here.


5 years ago


5 years ago