1.0.8 • Published 5 years ago
im-nothing v1.0.8
is a cli tool that generate gitignore for ya. why it is called im-nothing
is because im nothing!! like, just dump me, ghost me, ignore me :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: .
Well, of course in this case the me
is a file/directory. Believe me this has nothing to do with personal life (probably).
But anyway, source gitignore files is from github/gitignore.
just type in your terminal (make sure you have npm version 5.2+ installed) :
$ npx im-nothing <command> <languages>
command :
add <languages> (to generate gitignore)
list (show all list language available)
exist <languages> (to check whether the languages exist)
example :
$ npx im-nothing add node c java