1.1.3 • Published 8 years ago
image-comparer v1.1.3
Compare two image buffers in node
import { ImageComparer, Processor, Comparator } from 'image-comparer';
.compare(imgBufA, imgBufB)
.then(comparison => {
console.log(comparison.pct, comparison.bounds, comparison.time);
PIXEL // an unprocessed pixel
MEAN_PIXEL // the mean of a 3*3 pixel neighbourhood
RGBA_PCT(pct: number) // true if the percentage of difference between the RGBA values of two pixels is greater than the given pct
GREYSCALE_PCT(pct: number) // true if the percentage of difference between the greyscale value of two pixels is greater than the given pct
pct: number; // percentage of change
bounds: { // bounds of change within image
t: number;
l: number;
b: number;
r: number;
time: number; // time taken to compare in millis