1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago
image-sprite v1.0.0
Play a series of images as sprite animation. It can be render into DOM or canvas.
npm install:
npm i image-sprite --save
included in script
<script src="image-sprite.min.js"></script>
var imageSprite = new ImageSprite('mountNode', {
width: 300,
height: 300,
images: [], // urls of your images
mode: 'canvas',
interval: 16,
onLoaded: null, // once all images are loaded, will trigger this callback
onUpdate: null, // will be invoked per frame while playing
onComplete: null // will be invoked once playing completed
imageSprite.play() // play, by default is looping play, equals to play({ loop: true })
imageSprite.play({ repeat: 2 }) // play twice
imageSprite.play({ toFrame: 1 }) // play to the frame which index is 1
imageSprite.play({ byFrame: 10 }) // play of next 10 frames
/* you can specify direction and interval of this play */
imageSprite.play({ interval: 1000, direction: 'backward' }) // direction values: 'forward', 'backward', 'alternate'
imageSprite.pause() // pause
imageSprite.next() // next frame
imageSprite.prev() // prev frame
imageSprite.jump(frameIndex) // jump to a specified frame