image-transform-api v0.0.1
A Node JS application that exposes APIs that transform uploaded images (crop, rotate, resize) and allow for their download post-transformation
You need to have these installed:
- Git
- Node JS
Get started by:
Perform these steps using your CLI tool:
1. Clone this repository (usually with git clone <REPO_URL>
2. Install required packages with npm install
3. Start the application with npm start
API endpoints:
The application exposes the APIs:
1. URL: "/upload"
Method: POST
Acceptable Data (Request Body
- image: This would contain the file data
crop: e.g
{ crop: "x=2;y=4;w=3;h=10" }
x - horizontal distance from origin,
y - vertical distance from origin,
w - the width of new image,
h - the height of new image
scale: e.g
{ scale: "f=1.5" }
f - scale factor
resize: e.g
{ resize: "w=3;h=10" }
w - the width of new image,
h - the height of new image
rotate: e.g
{ rotate: "d=90" }
d - degrees
order: e.g
{ order: "sc;re;ro;cr" }
sc - scale
re - resize
ro - rotate
cr - crop
//default order: "re;ro;sc;cr" meaning the worker should first 'resize', then 'rotate', then 'scale' and lastly 'crop' the parsed image.
axios({ method: 'post', url: '/upload', data: { image: imageFile, crop: "x=2;y=4;w=3;h=10", scale: "f=1.5", resize: "w=3;h=10", rotate: "d=90", order: "sc;ro;re;cr" } }) .then(function (response) { //handle success console.log(response); }) .catch(function (response) { //handle error console.log(response); });
2. URL: "/export"
Method: GET
Acceptable Data (Request Query
to: e.g
// jpg, png, pdf or PDf (case insensitive)JPG - exports a JPEG image,
PNG - exports a PNG image,
PDF - exports a PDF document,
// For the "/export" endpoint axios({ method: 'get', url: '/export?to=PDF' }) .then(function (response) { //handle success console.log(response); }) .catch(function (response) { //handle error console.log(response); });
4 years ago