1.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

imgscale-yaml-cli v1.1.2

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5 years ago
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                         Auto-resize images on change

Handy CLI tool to resize an image automatically, as soon as a change was detected. You could export images from Photoshop and automatically resize them to use them where ever a certain image size matters.


Install the CLI tool globally

npm install -g imgscale-yaml-cli

This will automatically setup an example scale.yml. If not, create one where ever you need it:

# Name of output files. $height will be replaced by the actual height and same with $width
name: Example_$height_$width
# What file should be watched and resized
input: files/My_Image.png
# All output files that should be generated based of input
  # The folder where to output (will be created if not exists)
  - folder: out/
  # The desired width
    width: 100
  # The desired height
    height: 100
  # The file format (and extension)
    format: jpeg
  # You can have as many blocks as you need:
  - folder: out/
    width: 200
    height: 200
    format: png

You can have multiple scale.yml in one directory. Just append a unique name to the filename: scale_example1.yml.


There are the following commands:

imgscale        = Scans the local folder recursivly to find 'scale.yml'. After that it will resize all input files once and exit.
imgscale init   = Create above example 'scale.yml' in your current working directory
imgscale watch  = Scans the local folder recursivly to find 'scale.yml'. After that it will resize all once and keeps watching input files for changes.

How it works

imgscale is basically a configuration file for sharp. When you watch it will detect as soon as an input declared file changes and will export all the output listed files.