0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago
immer-produce-pipeline v0.1.0
Immer produce pipeline
Pipe's an array of producer functions through
npm i -S immer immer-produce-pipeline
Prerequisite: Requires Immer to be pre-installed as a dependency
import producePipeline from 'immer-produce-pipeline'
Using a pipeline is a good practice when processing data, each function is small, easily testable and immutable. This provides pure consistent results. Same input and pipeline = same output.
In this example we are going to apply a percentage discount and then calculate vat for some products.
First we create our pipeline functions
const percentageDiscount = discount => draft => {
draft.discounted = false
draft.pricePostDiscount = draft.price
if (draft.dicountable === 1) {
draft.discounted = true
draft.pricePostDiscount = draft.price * (1 - discount)
draft.discount = draft.price - draft.pricePostDiscount
const vat = draft => {
draft.vat = draft.pricePostDiscount * draft.vatRate
draft.priceIncVat = draft.pricePostDiscount + draft.vat
Then we will build our pipeline, to run against each product
// A pipeline is just an array of functions wrapped in producers
const pipeline = producePipeline([percentageDiscount(0.05), vat])
const products = [
{ price: 110, vatRate: 0.05, dicountable: 0 },
{ price: 37.5, vatRate: 0.2, dicountable: 1 },
{ price: 987, vatRate: 0.2, dicountable: 1 }
// run the pipeline against each product
const processed = products.map(pipeline)
"price": 110,
"vatRate": 0.05,
"dicountable": 0,
"discounted": false,
"pricePostDiscount": 110,
"discount": 0,
"vat": 5.5,
"priceIncVat": 115.5
"price": 37.5,
"vatRate": 0.2,
"dicountable": 1,
"discounted": true,
"pricePostDiscount": 35.625,
"discount": 1.875,
"vat": 7.125,
"priceIncVat": 42.75
"price": 987,
"vatRate": 0.2,
"dicountable": 1,
"discounted": true,
"pricePostDiscount": 937.65,
"discount": 49.35000000000002,
"vat": 187.53,
"priceIncVat": 1125.18
5 years ago