0.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

immer-yjs-typed v0.0.0

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2 years ago

immer-yjs-typed npm

STATUS: Alpha WIP - not ready for production use

This library provides a simple way to support peer-to-peer and multi-user shared objects and text in React, Vue, etc. It combines Yjs, a CRDT library with a mutation-based API, with immer, a library with immutable data manipulation using plain JS objects. It is based on sep2/immer-yjs.


npm install immer-yjs-typed immer yjs


  1. import { bind } from 'immer-yjs'.
  2. Create a binder: const binder = bind(doc.getMap("state")).
  3. Add subscription to the snapshot: binder.subscribe(listener).
    1. Mutations in y.js data types will trigger snapshot subscriptions.
    2. Calling update(...) (similar to produce(...) in immer) will update their corresponding y.js types and also trigger snapshot subscriptions.
  4. Call binder.get() to get the latest snapshot.
  5. (Optionally) call binder.unbind() to release the observer.


The immer objects encode Yjs data into [type, value] tuples.

Supported types are:

For example, a Yjs object can be serialized into the equivalent JSON:

import { serialize } from 'immer-yjs-typed`

// Note that Yjs doesn't actually support this syntax
const ydata = new Y.Array([
  new Y.Map({
    title: 'write tests',
    checked: true
  new Y.Map({
    title: 'dogfood app',
    checked: false

const json = serialize(ydata)

The same JSON can also be serialized back to a Yjs object:

import { deserialize } from 'immer-yjs-typed`

const json = ['YArray', [
  ['YMap', {
    title: ['string', 'write tests'],
    checked: ['boolean', true]
  ['YMap', {
    title: ['string', 'dogfood app'],
    checked: ['boolean', false]

const ydata = deserialize(json)

React integration

For Zustand, see the recipes doc.

For vanilla React, the most efficent way is to use useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector:

import { bind } from 'immer-yjs-typed'

// Setup store
const doc = new Y.Doc()
const ymap = doc.getMap('appstate.v1')

// Attach immer-yjs-typed
const binder = bind(ymap);

// Initialize state
binder.update((state) => (
  ['YMap': {
    count: ['number', 0]

// define a helper hook
function useImmerYjs<Selection>(selector: (state: State) => Selection) {
  const selection = useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector(
  return [selection, binder.update]

// use in component
function Component() {
  const [count, update] = useImmerYjs((s) => s[1].count[1])

  const handleClick = () => {
    update((s) => {
      // any operation supported by immer

  // will only rerender when 'count' changed
  return <button onClick={handleClick}>{count}</button>

// when done