0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago
immutable-data-store v0.0.2
An Observable Data Store Based on Immutable Data from ImmutableJS. The Change detection is super performant thanks to the immutable nature of the data. This store can easily be hooked to an Observer for Granular path observation. The included Observer is based on RxJS.
npm install immutable-data-store
var Store = require('immutable-data-store').Store;
var Observer = require('immutable-data-store').Observer;
// initialize with some data
var store = new Store({a: {b: {c: [1,2,3]}}});
// the store emits change events when something actually changes
store.on('change', function(){
console.log('store changed');
// this will trigger a change
immutableStore.set('a.b.c', [3,4,5])
// initialize an Observer
var observer = new Observer(store);
// observe returns a reactive stream
var pathObserver = observer.observe('a.b');
// you could use Other reactive method like throttle before subscription
console.log('a.b changed');
// this will notify the pahObserver
immutableStore.set('a.b.c', 1)