0.2.0 • Published 9 years ago

implexus v0.2.0

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Last release
9 years ago


This is currently still under development


Takes in a graph describing streams, and builds up the pipeline

NPMbuild status

npm install --save implexus

The library expects graphs generated through Graphlib, or strings that define graphs in DOT. Nodes are expected to define a type property which points to a defined stream type.


The library has a very small surface to make it super easy to integrate with.


Creates a new instance of Implexus.

Implexus.define(type, factory)

Defines a new type of stream that can be used new graphs.


  • type String : The name for the stream type (corresponds to the type attribute in nodes)
  • factory StreamFactory : The StreamFactoryfunction for creating a node of that type


  • Implexus : Returns itself for chaining


A bulk version of Implexus.define(type,factory)


  • modules Object<type,factory> : A map that contains all the types of streams, and points to StreamFactorys which create streams of that type.


  • Implexus : Returns itself for chaining

Implexus.build(graph, cb)

This parses out the graph, creates streams from the modules, and wires them up.


  • graph Graph : This is an instance of a graphlib graph
  • cb Function(err, graph) : Callback that gets called when everything is wired up. graph is a new instance of ImplexusGraph


  • Implexus returns itself for easy chaining

StreamFactory(node, cb)

This is the format for the stream factories. It's supposed to take in the data for a graph node, and create a new stream from it.


  • node Object : The node within the graph that describes the stream.
  • cb : This should get called with either an error object, or match one of the following
  • Function(err,stream,[cleanup]) : Usually the factory should resolve in a stream, which will be used in the graph. Cleanup is a function used to destroy the created stream.
  • Function(err, fn(chunk, [encoding]),[cleanup]) : Alternately, it can return a function that takes in data and an encoding, which gets passed to through2-map to make a stream
  • Function(err, fn(chunk, encoding, callback),[cleanup]) : Same as above, but async, and gets passed into through2 to make a stream.


This destroys the created graph of streams. It unpipes all the streams one by one, and calls the cleanup function if one was made by the stream's StreamFactory.


  • cb Function(err) : This callback gets called when the graph has been destroyed, or if there was an error during its destruction.