1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

inblox-token-swap v1.0.1

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4 years ago

Inbloxme Token Swaps

Token Swaps SDK

Get User Wallet

Get wallet from Inblox Handlename

This method is used to get the user's wallet from Inblox handlename.

const wallet = await getWallet({wallet,infuraKey, userHandlename});

wallet - Wallet type (handlename) infuraKey - Infura API key to initialize web3. userHandlename - User's Inblox handlename.

Get wallet from Private Key

This method is used to get the user's wallet from private key.

const wallet = await getWallet({wallet,infuraKey, privateKey});

wallet - Wallet type (privateKey) infuraKey - Infura API key to initialize web3. privateKey - User's private key.

Get wallet from Keystore file

This method is used to get the user's wallet from Keystore file.

const wallet = await getWallet({wallet, keystoreJson, passphrase});

wallet - Wallet type (keyStore) keystoreJson - User's keystore json. passphrase - Passphrase to unlock keystore file.

Get wallet from Metamask

This method is used to get the user's wallet from Metamask.

const wallet = await getWallet({wallet});

wallet - Wallet type (metamask)

Get wallet from Inblox Handlename

This method is used to get the user's wallet from Inblox handlename.

const wallet = await getWallet({wallet,infuraKey, userHandlename});

wallet - Wallet type (handlename) infuraKey - Infura API key to initialize web3. userHandlename - User's Inblox handlename.

Get wallet from Private Key

This method is used to get the user's wallet from private key.

const wallet = await getWallet({wallet,infuraKey, privateKey});

wallet - Wallet type (privateKey) infuraKey - Infura API key to initialize web3. privateKey - User's private key.

Get wallet from Keystore file

This method is used to get the user's wallet from Keystore file.

const wallet = await getWallet({wallet, keystoreJson, passphrase});

wallet - Wallet type (keyStore) keystoreJson - User's keystore json. passphrase - Passphrase to unlock keystore file.

Get wallet from Metamask

This method is used to get the user's wallet from Metamask.

const wallet = await getWallet({wallet});

wallet - Wallet type (metamask)

Swap Tokens

This method is used to Swap tokens.

Initialize constructor

const swap = new TokenSwap('WsProviderUrl');

Swap Tokens

await swap.swapTokens({ dstTokenAddress, srcTokenAddress, srcDecimal, maxAllowance, srcQty, userAddress, privateKey, wallet, authenticationToken,inbloxPassword});

srcTokenAddress: Source token address dstTokenAddress: Destination token address srcDecimal: Source token decimals maxAllowance: Kyber maximum swap allowance srcQty: Source token quantity userAddress: Public address of user wallet: Selected wallet type(metamask, handlename,keyStore, privateKey) privateKey: User Private key(only required if wallet type is private key or keystore json) authenticationToken: User bearer token(only required if wallet type is handlename) inbloxPassword: User Inblox password(only required if wallet type is handlename)

Get token list

This method is used to fetch details of all tokens supported by kyber.


Get token details

This method is used to fetch details of particular token.


tokenSymbol:Symbol of token whose details are needed

Get source token Quantity

This method is used to fetch quantity of source tokens.

getSrcQty(dstQty, srcDecimals, dstDecimals, rate)

dstQty: Quantity of destination tokens srcDecimals: Source token decimals dstDecimals: Destination token decimals rate: slippage rate

Get destination token Quantity

This method is used to fetch quantity of source tokens.

getDstQty(srcQty, srcDecimals, dstDecimals, rate)

srcQty: Quantity of source tokens srcDecimals: Source token decimals dstDecimals: Destination token decimals rate: slippage rate

Get gas limit

This method is used to get gas limit from Kyber contract

getGasLimit(srcTokenAddress, dstTokenAddress, amount)

srcTokenAddress: Source token address dstTokenAddress: Destination token address amount: Source token amount