1.1.10 • Published 8 years ago

indexr v1.1.10

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Last release
8 years ago


Dynamic index module boilerplate creator for your Node or client packaged ES6 submodules. Indexr overcomes some of the limits of ES6 modules by autogenerating module index boilerplate code usually as part of a precompilation stage in your build process.



Good application structure should be modular in terms of features. A common thing to do is to unify features with 'plumbing' code to load them together into arrays so they can be manipulated by a central process.

An example might be redux reducers. Say you have your reducers organised by feature like this:

 ├── auth/reducer.js
 ├── errors/reducer.js
 ├── home/reducer.js
 ├── product/reducer.js
 └── user/reducer.js

You would then write plumbing code that re-exports your reducers like this:

/* app/modules/reducers.js */
export { default as auth } from './auth/reducer';
export { default as errors } from './errors/reducer';
export { default as home } from './home/reducer';
export { default as product } from './product/reducer';
export { default as user } from './user/reducer';

So you can then consume them like this:

/* app/index.js */
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import * as reducers from './modules/reducers'

// Apply all reducers
const reducer = combineReducers(reducers);

// Consume reducers etc.

There is a simiar user story around express routes but potentially using an array.

 ├── auth/routes.js
 ├── errors/routes.js
 ├── home/routes.js
 ├── product/routes.js
 └── user/routes.js
/* app/modules/routes.js */
import auth from './auth/routes';
import errors from './errors/routes';
import home from './home/routes';
import product from './product/routes';
import user from './user/routes';
export default [
/* app/index.js */
import express from 'express'
import routes from './modules/routes'

// Use all routes
routes.forEach((route) => {

// handle error pages and setup server

So that is all great but what if you forget to update your index files all the time and/or have dynamic modules that really should be autoloaded?

Frankly, I constantly find that when creating new modules in systems like this I struggle to remember to update plumbing code and then waste a larger amount of time than acceptible wondering why the new feature I am creating does not work. I have in the past seen developers do stuff like this to compensate:

// app/modules/reducers.js
export default fs
  .filter((listing) => {
    const folder = path.resolve(moduleFolder, listing);
    const reducer = path.resolve(folder, 'reducer.js');
    try {
      return fs.statSync(folder).isDirectory()
        && fs.statSync(reducer).isFile();
    } catch (e) {
      return false;
  .reduce((memo, listing) => {
    const reducer = path.resolve(folder, 'reducer.js');
    return {
      [listing]: require(reducer),
  }, {});

This works but there are problems with this.

  • The function require is actually from the commonjs API and is not part of the ES6 modules spec and will eventually be deprecated.
  • The output here is non deterministic.
  • You have to use require as there is no way by design for ES6 imports to handle non-deterministic module loading.
  • You probably don't want your app to be synchronously blocking while require and all the fs methods run in a loop.
  • If you try to code this asynchronously using fs async methods, System or the new Loader inteface the rest of your code will be in a callback which is annoying.

The main issue here is that ES6 modules cannot be dynamic.

However that doesn't stop us needing or wanting to load things dynamically, does it?

Indexr is designed to solve this problem by automatically generating index root modules from submodules that live in your source path.


Install locally and use the node API or use indexr in npm scripts (recommended).

# better
npm install indexr --save

Tip Try adding ./node_modules/.bin to your path for your terminal. That way you can get access to local cli programs as you enter your npm projects.

# ~/.bash_profile

Alternatively if you have to you can install globally and use indexr in the bash prompt.

# You probably don't want to do this
npm install indexr -g


You can use indexr as either a command-line program or a node API.

Assuming we have a folder tree like this:

 ├── bar
 ├── baz
 └── foo

We run this in the root:

$ indexr .

Within any subfolder it finds called 'modules' you will find it will create a file called ./index.r.js that contains the following:

  This file is autogenerated by indexr.
  Check this file into source control.
  Do not edit this file.
  For more information: http://github.com/ryardley/indexr
import bar from './bar';
import baz from './baz';
import foo from './foo';
export default [
/** End autogenerated content **/

Alternatively if we run this:

$ indexr . --named-exports

Within any subfolder it finds called 'modules' you will find it will create a file called ./index.r.js that contains the following index with named exports:

  This file is autogenerated by indexr.
  Check this file into source control.
  Do not edit this file.
  For more information: http://github.com/ryardley/indexr
export { default as bar } from './bar';
export { default as baz } from './baz';
export { default as foo } from './foo';
/** End autogenerated content **/

CLI Usage

For help with the commandline program you can try the help flag:

$ indexr --help

  Usage: indexr <rootFolder> [options]


    -h, --help                       output usage information
    -V, --version                    output the version number
    -e --ext <string>                Remove this extension from imports.
    -o --out <filename>              The name of the output file.
    -d --direct-import               Directly import files as opposed to folders.
    -m --modules <string>            Glob string that determine which folders hold modules.
    -i --modules-ignore <string>     Glob string that determine which folders are ignored.
    -5 --es5                         Use ES5 template for index output.
    -n --named-exports               Use named exports instead of arrays.
    -s --submodules <string>         Glob string that determine what is a submodule.
    -g --submodules-ignore <string>  Glob string that determine which submodules are ignored.
    -w --watch [string]              Files to watch as a glob string.

Syntax Example

NOTE: All commandline globs must be enclosed in quotes!!

The following example will look in the ./app folder for modules folders identified by '*/modules/' and then identify submodules given by '/server.js' and use them to write a file to ./app/modules/server.js.

$ indexr ./app --out 'server.js' --modules '**/modules/' --submodules '*/server.js'

Change the modules folder

We can change the glob used to find the modules folder which is useful if you don't want to have your modules under 'modules'.

$ indexr . --modules '**/features/'

Change the output filename

We can change the output filename of the file indexr produces.

$ indexr . --out 'index.js'

Change what qualifies as a module.

We can also filter which modules and entry files we want by setting some options. the following will only include modules which contain reducer.js files.

$ indexr . --submodules '*/reducer.js'

ES5 module output

$ indexr . --es5

If the es5 flag is set Indexr can export the template in es5/common js style.

  This file is autogenerated by indexr.
  Check this file into source control.
  Do not edit this file.
  For more information: http://github.com/ryardley/indexr
var foo = require('./foo');
var bar = require('./bar');
var baz = require('./baz');
module.exports = [foo, bar, baz];
/** End autogenerated content **/

Use named Exports.

By using the --named-exports flag it will export the submodules as named exports:

$ indexr . --named-exports
export { default as bar } from './bar';
export { default as baz } from './baz';
export { default as foo } from './foo';

Including the globbed files.

By using the --direct-import flag it will include the searched files specifically in the import statements:

$ indexr . --submodules '*/server.js' --direct-import
import foo from './foo/server.js';
import bar from './bar/server.js';
export default [foo, bar];

File Watching

You can watch files using the --watch flag:

$ indexr . --watch

Node API


indexr(rootFolder:String, options?:Object):Promise


rootFolderThe root folder to work from.
optionsAn object containing configuration options

Available options

directImportfalseInclude the searched files in the import statements.
es5falseBoolean flag to use es5 commonjs style modules over es6. This is overridden if a template function
exts[]Remove this extension from the imported files. A usefull example might be ['js'] which you would use if you would prefer to import ./foo/server instead of ./foo/server.js
modules'\*\*/modules/'A glob or array of globs pathed to the rootFolder that will determine which folders are module holders. If this is ommitted defaults to **/modules/.
modulesIgnoreundefinedA glob pathed to the rootFolder that will determine which folders are not module holders. If this is ommitted nothing is ignored.
namedExportsfalseThis flag will ensure that indexes use named exports instead of arrays.
submodules'\*/'A glob pathed to each module holder folder that will determine which submodules are imported to the index. Defaults to */index.js
submodulesIgnoreundefinedA glob pathed to the rootFolder that will determine which folders are not considered submodules. If this is ommitted nothing is ignored.
templateindexr's es6 templateA template function the function should takes an array of relative module paths and output the module file as a string
outputFilename'index.r.js'The name of the output file. This file will be added to each module folder.
watchfalseEither a boolean value or a glob that represents files for chokdir to watch.


Here is an example

import indexr from 'indexr';
import es6 from 'indexr/dist/modules/template/es6'; // This will change don't do this.

indexr(__dirname, {
  es5: false,
  modules: '**/modules/',
  submodules: '*/index.js',
  directImport: true,
  exts: ['js', 'jsx'],
  namedExports: false,
  outputFilename: 'index.js',
  template: es6, // or some function that takes an array of module paths and spits out a template
  watch: false,
.then((err, result) => {
  console.log('Files have been indexed!');

NOTE: dont load the template from the dist file as it's location may change. This is only for illustration purposes.


Start the gulp watcher.

$ gulp

Run the tests

$ npm run test-watch

Edit the code.


  1. Submit an issue

Found a bug?

  1. Submit an issue or
  2. Submit a pull request!

If anything is unclear or wrong in these docs please let me know by submitting an issue


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