5.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

indium v5.0.0

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5 years ago

Indium server

This documentation describes the version 5.0 of the server component of Indium.

The Indium server exposes a simple interface to communicate with a JS runtime for debugging. It currently supports Chrome/Chromium (debug protocol 1.2), and NodeJS >= 8.

The server works as an adapter in the communication with a JavaScript runtime, and transparently handles concerns like file to script location conversion, sourcemap resolution and management, breakpoint resolution, etc., providing a streamlined interface where the client doesn't have to deal with script sources and URLs, but files on disk.


npm install -g indium

Stating the server

Run the following command:

indium PORT

The default port used by the Emacs client is 13840.


Communication is done through a TCP connection using the JSON format. Each message, from the server or the client, is terminated with a line feed.

1. Overview

The client communicates with the server through JSON messages, referred to as requests. The server answers with corresponding JSON messages, referred to as responses.

The response order is not guaranteed to follow the request order. In order to identify what request a specific response is emitted for, each request must contain a unique "id" field. Its response will also contain an "id" field with the same value.

For each request, the client is guaranteed to receive at some point in time a response. The response can either be successful, or unsuccessful.

Responses contain a "type" field to identify whether the request completed successfully or not. Successful responses have their "type" feild set to "success", unsuccessful responses to "error".

The server can initiate communication with the client through notification JSON messages. Notification messages have no "id", as they are not sent in response to a request.


Requests must follow the following general structure:

id<string>Id of the request
type<string>Type of request. The type specifies the category of the request. Valid types are "version", "connection", "configurations" and "runtime".
payload<object> (optional)Payload of the request. Contains the details specific to the request.

payload objects must specify an action key. The action key determines the action to be executed by the server. Valid actions depend the on type of request.


Each response contains the id of the corresponding request and follows the following structure:

id<string>Id of the request the response is for
type<string>Type of response, either "success" or "error"
payload<object> (optional)Optional payload of the response

2. configurations requests

The server is responsible for looking up the .indium.json configuration file from a project directory.


The list action fetches the available configurations for a directory.

Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"list"Action type
directory<string>Directory where the .indium.json project file look up is started.

Successful response payload:

Array of configurations.

3. connection request type

connection requests are used to open/close connections to a runtime.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"connect"Action type
directory<string>Directory where the .indium.json project file look up is started.
name<string>Name of the configuration to choose for the runtime connection.

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"close"Action type

Successful response payload:

No payload, but the server exits.

4. runtime request type

The runtime request type is the most important type of request as evaluation, inspection and debugging is done through runtime requests.


Evaluate an expression and send the result back. If frameId is in the payload, evaluation occurs within the context of the associated call frame. If frameId is not provided but there is an active debugging session, the expression is evaluated within the context of the top frame.

Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"evaluate"Action type
expression<string>Expression to evaluate
frameId<string> (optional)Call frame id

Successful response payload:

A remote object.


The getCompletion request provides auto-completion on expression strings.

Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"getCompletion"Action type
expression<string>Expression to complete

Successful response payload:

An array of completion candidate strings.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"activateBreakpoints"Action type

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"deactivateBreakpoints"Action type

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Breakpoint registration works asynchronously. The client requests the addition of a breakpoint at a location using addBreakpoint requests.

Breakpoint resolution might use sourcemaps internally, without exposing the details to the client.

Once the breakpoint has been resolved (e.g. the breakpoint was successfully registered in the runtime), the server sends a breakpointResolved notification with the resolved location.

Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"addBreakpoint"Action type
id<string>Unique ID of the breakpoint to be added
file<file>File where the breakpoint is added
line<line>Line of the file where the breakoint is added

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"removeBreakpoint"Action type
id<string>Unique ID of the breakpoint to be removed

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"resume"Action type

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"stepInto"Action type

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"stepOut"Action type

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"stepOver"Action type

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"continueToLocation"Action type
location<location>Location to jump to.
name<string>Name of the configuration to choose for the runtime connection.

Successful response payload:

No payload.


Request payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
action"getSource"Action type
id<string>ID of a runtime script

Successful response payload:

A string of the contents of the requested script.

5. server notifications

breakpointResolved notifications

Request payload: Successful response payload:

paused notifications

This notification is triggered when the debugger is paused at a specific call frame.

Notification payload:

KeyType or valueDescription
frames<callFrame>[]Array of call frames (id, functionName, location…)
reason<string>Why the debugger stopped
description<string>Additional information (e.g., stack trace)

resumed notifications

Request payload: Successful response payload:

6. Objects in payloads

Remote object

A remote object represents an object in the runtime. It can either contain:

  • a value, with a description (for objects like scalars);
  • a reference to an object (with an id), for objects, arrays, functions, etc.
description<string>Short description string of the object
id<string> (optional)ID of the referenced object
type<string> (optional)Type of the remote object. Only valid if the id feild is set
preview<string> (optional)Longer description of the remote object, to be used as a display string


A location represents a position in a file.

file<string>File on disk
line<number>1-based line
column<number> (optional)0-based column

7. Examples

In the the following example, >> represents inputs and << represents outputs.

>> {"id": "1", "type": "configurations", "payload": {"action": "list", "directory": "/home/user/proj/"}}
<< {"id": "1", "type": "success", "payload": [{"type": "chrome", "name": "Web Project", "root": "./src"}]}
>> {"id": "2", "type": "connection", "payload": {"action": "connect", "name": "Web Project", "directory": "/home/user/proj/""}}	
<< {"id": "2", "type": "success"}
>> {"id": "3", "type": "runtime", "payload": {"action": "evaluate", "expression": "1+2"}}
<< {"id": "3", "type": "success", "payload": {"description": "3"}}
>> {"id": "4", "type": "connection", "payload": {"action": "close"}}
(TCP connection closed)

5 years ago


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