1.1.0 • Published 2 years ago
ink-navigation v1.1.0
A simple React based router for ink CLI commands.
Getting started
Install the package:
npm install ink-navigation
yarn add ink-navigation
Configure your commands.
#!/usr/bin/env node
import React from 'react';
import { Text, render } from 'ink';
import { CommandRouter, Command, NoMatch, useArgs } from 'ink-navigation';
const Help = () => {
return <Text>Add a description of the help...</Text>;
const Version = () => {
return <Text>1.0.0</Text>;
const ParsedArgs = () => {
const args = useArgs();
return <Text>{JSON.stringify(args, null, 2)}</Text>;
const App = () => {
return (
<CommandRouter args={process.argv}>
<Command name="help">
<Help />
<Command name="version">
<Version />
<Command name="parsed-args">
<ParsedArgs />
<Help />
render(<App />);
You can then use the tool like so:
> tool help
> Add a description of the help...
> tool version
> 1.0.0
> tool parsed-args -hello world -foo=bar --one=two --three four final-arg
> {
> "_": ["final-arg"],
> "hello":"world",
> "foo": "bar",
> "one":"two",
> "three":"four"
> }
> tool this-does-not-exist
> Add a description of the help...
Argument parsing
Arguments are parsed using minimist.