0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

inkie v0.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago
The simple, customizable news aggregator. (Currently in development.)


inkie is (or is going to be) the simple, customizable news aggregator. It's being built with Node.js, React, Babel, and webpack. Contributions are always welcome!


Install with git (recommended)

# Clone inkie.
$ git clone git://github.com/qwamber/inkie.git

Install with NPM

# Install inkie.
$ npm install inkie


Start the development server

The easiest way to get started with inkie is to run the development build.

  • It uses webpack-dev-middleware to automatically bundle edited files

  • It automatically reloads a web browser when changes are made.

# Change directory.
$ cd inkie

# Run the development server on `localhost:8080`.
$ npm run start-dev

Start the production server

You can also run inkie in production mode.

# Build and run the production server on `localhost:8080`.
$ npm run build && npm start

Project structure

+-- web/ (Web-related files)
|   +-- bin/ (Where `.webpackrc.js` puts bundles and where `web/index.html`
|   |        looks for bundles)
|   +-- src/
|   |   +-- components/ (React components)
|   |   |   +-- PageIndex.jsx (The page React component for `web/index.html`)
|   |   +-- static/ (Static assets)
|   |   +-- renderPageIndex.jsx (Renders `web/src/components/PageIndex.jsx` in
|   |   |                        the DOM in the element with the id `root` and
|   |   |                        is the entry point for webpack)
|   +-- index.html (The index HTML page used by `router.js` and `routerDev.js`)
+-- .babelrc (Babel configuration)
+-- .eslintignore (ESLint-ignored files)
+-- .eslintrc.json (ESLint configuration, primarily using the
|                   `eslint-config-airbnb` module)
+-- .gitignore (git-ignored files)
+-- .webpackrc.js (webpack configuration, often called `webpack.config.js` in
|                  other projects)
+-- package.json (NPM configuration)
+-- README.md (The README)
+-- router.js (The inkie Express.js production router)
+-- routerDev.js (The inkie Express.js development router)
+-- startServer.js (Starts the inkie Express.js production router found in
|                   `router.js`)
+-- startServeDev.js (Starts the inkie Express.js development router found in
|                     `routerDev.js`)