inky v1.4.2
Inky is an HTML-based templating language that converts simple HTML into complex, responsive email-ready HTML. Designed for Foundation for Emails.
Give Inky simple HTML like this:
<columns large="6"></columns>
<columns large="6"></columns>
And get complicated, but battle-tested, email-ready HTML like this:
<table class="row">
<th class="small-12 large-6 columns first">
<th class="expander"></th>
<th class="small-12 large-6 columns first">
<th class="expander"></th>
npm install inky --save-dev
Inky can be used standalone, as a Gulp plugin, or with a CLI. You can also access the Inky
parser class directly.
var inky = require('inky');
src: 'src/pages/**/*.html',
dest: 'dist'
}, function() {
console.log('Done parsing.');
With Gulp
var inky = require('inky')
function parse() {
Command Line
Install foundation-cli to get the foundation
Plugin Settings
(String): Glob of files to process. You don't need to supply this when using Inky with Gulp.dest
(String): Folder to output processed files to. You don't need to supply this when using Inky with Gulp.components
(Object): Tag names for custom components. See custom components below to learn more.columnCount
(Number): Column count for the grid. Make sure your Foundation for Emails project has the same column count in the Sass as well.cheerio
(Object): cheerio settings (for available options please refer to cheerio project at github).
Custom Elements
Inky simplifies the process of creating HTML emails by expanding out simple tags like <row>
and <column>
into full table syntax. The names of the tags can be changed with the components
Here are the names of the defaults:
button: 'button',
row: 'row',
columns: 'columns',
container: 'container',
inky: 'inky',
blockGrid: 'block-grid',
menu: 'menu',
menuItem: 'item'
Programmatic Use
The Inky parser can be accessed directly for programmatic use. It takes in a Cheerio object of HTML, and gives you back a converted Cheerio object.
var Inky = require('inky').Inky;
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var options = {};
var input = '<row></row>';
// The same plugin settings are passed in the constructor
var i = new Inky(options);
var html = cheerio.load(input)
// Now unleash the fury
var convertedHtml = i.releaseTheKraken(html);
// The return value is a Cheerio object. Get the string value with .html()
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