1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago
inmemdb-client v1.0.0
A client to communicate with inmemdb server
$ npm install --save inmemdb-client
inmemdb-client exposes all the api used for communicating with inmemdb
All requests return a promise of a value found in the result. If an error occurs (eg. invalid parameters), the promise rejects with the specific error message
// Instantiate inmemdb
const Client = require('inmemdb-client');
const inmemdb = new Client('', '9005');
// Make requests
(async () => {
await inmemdb.set('name', 'musah');
const result = await inmemdb.get('name');
console.log(result) // logs musah to the console
ping(): Promise<"PONG">;
get(key: string): Promise<string>;
set(key: string, value: string): Promise<"OK">;
setex(key: string, seconds: number, value: string): Promise<"OK">;
expire(key: string, seconds: number): Promise<"OK">;
ttl(key: string): Promise<number>;
del(key: string): Promise<"OK">;
sadd(setName: string, value: string): Promise<"OK">;
smembers(setName: string): Promise<Array<string>>;
rpush(listName: string, value: string): Promise<"OK">;
lpush(listName: string, value: string): Promise<"OK">;
lrange(listName: string, startIndex: number, endIndex: number): Promise<Array<string>>;
lpop(listName: string): Promise<string>;
llen(listName: string): Promise<number>;
4 years ago