0.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

insert-popup-form v0.0.2

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5 years ago

Insert Popup Form


Insert popup form creates a form that will take one input at a time until all fillable inputs in the form are filled out. Is primarily used with kyle tables but can be used with other components as long as the data passed in is valid.


Insert popup form presents a form one input box at a time until the user reaches the end of the form. When the user reaches the end, a Submit button is displayed and a callback is triggered with the data the user inserted being passed in.

Insert popup form takes up the entire viewport of the browser and, as such, turning it on and off will usually be left to the parent component.

Insert popup form takes elements in an array and generates an input box for each element. It also takes enumerable lists and generates dropdown menus.

Initial insertion data can also be added to prefill fields in the form.


CSS styles can be found in insert-popup-form.css



Toggle if the insert popup form is turned on/off. Since the popup form takes up the entire screen, when using it you may want to handle turning it off and on depending on user events. The enabled prop will allow you to do this.


Insert popup form has two different forms of insertion. The string passed in must either be "single" or "multiple".

  • single: Single insertion does not clear the form on submission nor does it reset to the first input field.
  • multiple: Used for submitting multiple forms. When the user submits a form, the form will clear and go back to the first input field ready to take more user input.


An array of objects, where each object describes how to generate each input in the form. Each object is processed with the following fields:

	id( **string** ): a unique identifier for each input box in the form
	insertable( **boolean** ): Used to determine if an input field will be 
		generated for this value. Generally only useful when retrieving 
		the form description from a database.
	required( **boolean** ): If true, a red warning will display to the user 
		that this field is required. There is no validation in the form  
	category( **string** ): A title to display to the user with the input box
	options( **[string]** ): A list of strings to use for a dropdown menu. If 
		the field is required, the dropdown will default to the first 
		element in the list or null if not required.


An object that corresponds each input field with the initial insertion data. For example, if an input field has an id of 'testId' and an initial value of 'foo', you will pass in { 'testId': 'foo' }. This will set an input box with the initial value or set a dropdown menu to that value if the form field 'testId' exists. It can also be used to add fields with insertion data that are not displayed to the user but are used for insertion.


Insert popup form can be toggled using the enabled prop. But, the form also has internal state that allows the user to close out of it by hitting the close button or the escape key. To allow cleanup you can pass in a onDisable function prop to help cleanup when the user closes the form. This function will be called when the user exits the form if you need to manage some actions outside of the form.


When the form is submitted by the user, onSubmit is called. The callback function will receive one argument, which is the data the user has submitted into the form. The data is an object with each field being the name of the input box and the value being what the user inputted. The fields correspond to the formFields prop passed in.