0.0.7 • Published 10 years ago

inspired-server v0.0.7

Weekly downloads
Last release
10 years ago


What is it?

inspired-server is the first component of the inspired JS toolset. You should check out the roadmap to get an idea of where we're going. In the meantime, here are the existing features:

Fully RESTful entity server (~50%)

Create your entities, then use any RESTful capable tool to manage your data. inspired-server supports all the HTTP verbs, impements HATEOAS & HAL and uses HTTP status codes semantically.

We're still implementing some of the methods but we're pretty close!

Code-on-Demand: Use your JS models anywhere

Models are shared between clients and server so write your code once and use it everywhere. From validation logic to computed properties, you shouldn't have to repeat yourself. Just include your code on any platform that can run Javascript. We've tested running clients in Webkit and NodeJS.

DB Schema generated automatically from your models

Everything is derived from your models. Add or change fields, and the underlying database gets updated when you run your app!

Notes & Requirements

CoffeeScript vs JavaScript

We recommend using CoffeeScript, and that's what we use in the examples. Though plain Javascript works too, we haven't documented that yet, but we accept pull requests, so you can! Read more about why in the design decisions section.


I'm sure this will be everyone's first complaint. Yes, we will add MySQL and MongoDB support soon but none of the DBAL for NodeJS were good enough for us, so we're using what we think is the most versatile and production-ready DB. If you don't agree, write a good DBAL for inspired-server or don't use this software.

Basic usage

  • Install inspired-server via NPM (see Getting Started)
  • Write some models
  • Register your models in your app

What your models will look like:

class MyEntity extends App.Entity.Default
	my_field1: new App.Field.String
	my_field2: new App.Field.Float
	my_field3: new App.Field.Timestamp
	... etc ...

module.exports = MyEntity

Getting started

Install inspired-server via NPM:

$ npm install inspired-server

In your main.coffee file, you need to start the app and add your models.

Please note that at this stage, you MUST declare your models using the App.Entity.xxxx syntax.

App = require('inspired-server').App

App.Entity.MyModelOne = require './lib/mymodel1.coffee'
App.Entity.MyModelTwo = require './lib/mymodel2.coffee'
App.Entity.MyModelThree = require './lib/mymodel3.coffee'

db = new App.DB
db.registry 'my_model_one', App.Entity.MyModelOne
db.registry 'my_model_two', App.Entity.MyModelTwo
db.registry 'my_model_three', App.Entity.MyModelThree

new App.Server

Now, it's time to write your models. For example, in ./lib/mymodel1.coffee:

class MyModelOne extends App.Entity.Default
	my_field1: new App.Field.String
	my_field2: new App.Field.Float
	sayHello: ->
		"Hello World"

module.exports = MyModelOne

Repeat that for MyModelTwo and MyModelThree.

Create the database you're using in your main.coffee file. Refer to PostgreSQL if you need help with this.

CREATE DATABASE [your-db-name];

Obviously, once you've installed CoffeeScript, you can start your server like this:

$ coffee main.coffee

You can now reach your inspired-server on http://localhost:8765/.

JavaScript bundles are ready to include in the browser and in node clients here:

Use in the browser

<script src="http://localhost:9876/bundle.dev.js"></script>
var a = new App.Entity.MyModelOne();
a.my_field1 = "A description";
a.my_field2 = 1.5;
a.save().then(function() {

var b = new App.Entity.MyModelOne();
b.load('a-uuid-that-exists-in-the-db').then(function() {

Use in a NodeJS client (in CoffeeScript)

http = require 'http'

http.get {host: 'localhost', port: 9876, path: '/bundle.node.js'}, (res) ->
	data = ''
	res.on 'data', (chunk) -> data += chunk
	res.on 'end', ->
		eval data

example = ->
	c = new App.Entity.MyModelOne
	c.load 'grab-a-uuid-from-the-db-after-calling-save'
		.then ->
			c.description = "My models work everywhere!"
		.then ->
			console.log 'Saved'


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Design decisions

Coming soon.


The following list in non-exhaustive and items appear in no specific order. These items will be moved to the issue queue at some point.

  • Implement 100% of REST methods
  • Reimplement Minify for bundles
  • Auth
  • Replace Q with faster promises 1
  • Error handling & normalise error responses
  • Modulize & Cleanup code

1 http://thanpol.as/javascript/promises-a-performance-hits-you-should-be-aware-of/

Once that's done, we'll be tackling separate modules:

  • Front-end & Client widgets
  • Declare interfaces
  • Routers & Templates that can be rendered client-side or on server (SEO)
  • More!


Pull requests will be considered here: https://github.com/inspired-io/inspired-server/pulls. If you want to write substantial functionality, please discuss architecture in a ticket first.

Coding Standards

The project uses CoffeeScript and tabs only. More coming soon.

Running tests

Once you've installed CasperJS you can run the test suite from the server module's root folder, like this:

$ ./tests/run [DSN] [REST_PORT] [META_PORT]

Here's an example:

$ ./tests/run 'postgres://root@localhost/inspired_server_tests' 18765 19876

Changes to README or other markdown files

Make sure you preview your changes. We recommend using markable.in.


Use the issue queue on Github here: https://github.com/inspired-io/inspired-server/issues