1.0.0 • Published 9 months ago

instant-relay v1.0.0

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9 months ago


instant-relay is an opinionated library for asynchronous communication between nodes in non-hierarchical sets. Each registered node can send (one-to-one) or broadcast (one-to-many). It is written in TypeScript for Node.js, with the following priorities in mind:

  1. Backpressure management and prevention of accidental blocking behavior, addressed by decoupling message delivery from message handling and managing backpressure upon delivery.
  2. Simplicity and ease of debugging, addressed by a small codebase (~ 300 LoCs in total) and few dependencies (1 direct, 2 in total).
  3. Performance, addressed by selecting fast data structure implementations and reducing the overall number of allocations per handled message.

instant-relay was born out of the convergence of previous projects in the space of multi-protocol gateways for the IoT sector.

How to use

A new relay is created through the InstantRelay class, which requires a union of possible message types as a type argument.

New nodes can be added to an instance of the InstantRelay class by providing dedicated factory functions implementing the NodeFactory interface.

import { uid } from 'uid';
import { InstantRelay, NodeFactory } from 'instant-relay';

// Message types
interface Request { id: string; type: 'req'; }
interface Response { type: 'res'; reqId: string; }

// Union of all possible message types
type Message = Request | Response;

// Promisified setTimeout()
const wait = (delay: number) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, delay);

// Main instance
const relay = new InstantRelay<Message>();

// Factory function for "server" nodes
const serverFactory: NodeFactory<Message, {}> = (send, broadcast, opts) => {
  return async (message) => {
    switch (message.type) {
      case 'req':
        console.log(`server received request ${message.id}`);
        await wait(Math.random() * 1000);
        await send('client', { type: 'res', reqId: message.id });

// Add one "server" node with custom options
relay.addNode('server', serverFactory, {
  concurrency: 2,                             // How many messages may be processed in parallel
  highWaterMark: 2,                           // Threshold above which throttling starts
  throttle: queueLength => queueLength * 10,  // Set throttling delay based on queue length

// Factory function for "client" nodes
const clientFactory: NodeFactory<Message, {}> = (send, broadcast, opts) => {
  // Send loop w/ backpressure support
  const loop = () => {
    const now = Date.now();
    send('server', { id: uid(), type: 'req' }).then(() => {
      console.log('client loop lag', Date.now() - now);
  return async (message) => {
    switch (message.type) {
      case 'res':
        console.log(`client received a response for request ${message.reqId}`);

relay.addNode('client', clientFactory, {});

Due to backpressure support, the loop that sends requests to the server node will quickly slow down to a rate compatible with the artificial latency.


Licensed under MIT.