0.1.4 • Published 11 years ago

instantiate v0.1.4

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11 years ago


Instantiate a Javascript Object from an array of arguments

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This module provides a usefull methods and a usefull abstraction to instantiating objects from either arrays, or the default method of providing arguments.

instantiate.fromArray ( obj, arrayOfArgs )

var instanceOfObject = instantiate.fromArray(obj, arrayOfArgs);

var instanceOfObject = instantiate.fromArray(obj, [1,2,3])

instantiate.fromArguments ( obj )

var instanceOfObject = instantiate.fromArguments(obj, argumentA, argumentB, argumentC, ...);

var instanceOfObject = instantiate.fromArguments(obj, 1, 2, 3)

instantiate.new ( obj )

Abstraction of both fromArray and fromArguments. Should work for most cases. Works by detecting if there is a 3rd argument in arguments or not.

Refer to tests.js -- included here for ease.

var instantiate = require('../index');
var test = require('tap').test;

var obj = function (a,b,c) {
    this.a = a;
    this.b = b;
    this.c = c;
test('instances of objects Should be returned', function(t) {
    t.ok(instantiate.fromArray(obj, [1,2,3]) instanceof obj)
    t.ok(instantiate.fromArguments(obj,1,2,3) instanceof obj)
    t.ok(instantiate.new(obj, [1,2,3]) instanceof obj)
    t.ok(instantiate.new(obj,1,2,3) instanceof obj)

test('instances have proper values', function(t) {
    var instances = [
        instantiate.fromArray(obj, [1,2,3]),
        instantiate.fromArguments(obj, 1, 2, 3),
        instantiate.new(obj, [1,2,3]),
        instantiate.new(obj, 1, 2, 3)
    for ( i in instances ) {
        var ins = instances[i];
        t.same(ins.a, 1);
        t.same(ins.b, 2);
        t.same(ins.c, 3);