2.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

interana-sdk v2.0.0

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6 years ago

Interana Track SDK

The Interana SDK can be integrated into a JavaScript Web application, allowing you to send events to an Interana instance.

Installing the SDK

To install the SDK, run the following command:

npm install --save interana-sdk

Using the SDK

To start using the SDK, import it into your JS application.

import interana from 'interana-sdk';

If you don't use a module bundler like webpack, you can still directly download the bundle from our CDN and include it via a <script> tag. You can also use the snippet below.

Note: Even though you can import the SDK in Node.js (server side), the track calls will not succeed because we use XMLHttpRequest. Node.js support is not currently on our roadmap.

Browser Snippet:
var interana=function(){"use strict";var t=window.interana||{init:function(){t.calls.push({i:arguments})},track:function(){t.calls.push({tr:arguments,ti:Date.now()})},trackWithTimestamp:function(){t.calls.push({trt:arguments})},calls:[]};return t}();
<script async src="https://sdk.interana.com/interana-sdk.browser.min.js"></script>

Usage Docs

Detailed usage docs are available here.