1.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

interlap v1.0.3

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3 years ago

InterLap: Discontinuous Ranges

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Data Structures

  • Interlap, a derivative of JS Array
  • IOW a list
  • whose elements are in turn Segments, another derivative of JS Array
  • segments are pairs [ lo, hi, ] where both are finite or infinite numbers
  • invariant s.lo <= s.hi always holds for all s instanceof Segment
  • s.lo == s.hi denotes a single point (a segment with s.size == 1)
[ [ 4, 6 ], [ 7, 7, ], [ 11, 19, ], ]
  • segments may be merged into an Interlap instance in any order using union()
  • this will return a new Interlap instance with the minimum of segments needed to cover all and only the points covered by the union of all the segments
  • likewise, an Interlap instance may be merged with (the segments of) another Interlap instance
  • the segments of an Interlap instance are always ordered: when comparing two segments a, b, the segments with the lower lo comes first in case a.lo == b.lo, then the one with the lower s.hi comes first * in segments of Interlap instances it always suffices to compare segments for inequality of their lower bounds

  • Discontinuous ranges are expressed by Interlap instances ('interlaps')

  • that contain Segment instances
  • they are basically just lists (Array instances) but
    • validated (segments must be pairs of numbers and so on) and
    • frozen (so validity itself becomes invariant as long as identity holds)
  • therefore
    • we can always turn interlaps into lists, and/but
    • we can turn some suitably shaped lists into interlaps
    • therefore, although interlaps look like lists and quack like lists, they are not just lists
    • hence, equals my_list, my_interlap must always be false
    • at best, equals ( as_list my_interlap ), my_list or some kind of is_equivalent my_list, my_interlap (with a suitably defined is_equivalent() method) can hold

Coding Principles

Note—The below are some points I have been wanting to write down for some time; they are rather about the implementation pattern used in interlap/main.coffee in general rather than Interlap objects in particular, though lasp and segments are used as examples.

  • Classes, instances are largely 'passive'
  • interesting methods all in stateless library with pure functions
  • shallow extensions of standard types (Array in this case) Note this will probably change in a future version; see To Do, below
  • therefore can always be replaced w/ standard objects conversion from and to standard types possible (segments can be turned into lists of two elements [ s.lo, s.hi, ]; laps: can be turned into (possibly empty) lists of segments)
  • observe that multiple meaningful and information preserving casts per target data type are always possible, for example, new Segment [ 0x4e01, 0x9fff, ] could be turned into any of [ 19969, 40943, ], { lo: 19969, hi: 40943, }, { first: 19969, last: 40943, }, 'U+4e01-U+9fff', /[丁-鿯]/. There's no one true and unique representation, although there may be some preferred form(s) and some forms that are only supported by some methods
  • in case users should wish to use methods like [].join(), [].map(), [].reduce() and so forth on segments or laps, they should be aware that for all their arrayish listfulness, segments and laps are not lists. From the outset, none of the mutating methods ([].sort(), [].push()) can be used with their usual semantics because segments and laps are immutable. In the case of segments, segment.push() does not make sense because each segment must always have exactly to elements; that we have decided to implemented as elements with indexes 0 and 1 is an implementation detail. In the case of laps, lap.push segment is conceivable and could return a new lap—but that should be no different from the output of LAP.union lap, segemt and would thus add duplication instead of usefulness to the API. Moreover, while LAP.union() is a somewhat unfortunate name for a function (since it is a noun, not a verb), lap.push() is considerably worse (it looks like it could mutate lap, which it can't, and it sounds like it would takc something to the end of lap, which it won't).
  • validation by (implicit) instantiation
  • instances are immutable (frozen)
  • duties of instances: carriers of a few standard attributes (d.size in this case) serve as caching mechanism (instances may hold references to objects that implement functionalities) * 'being an instance of a class' serves as 'product certification label'; given we allow only valid inputs to build expected structures (and assuming absence of bugs), then—since instances are frozen—we can be sure at any later point in time that a d for which d instanceof D holds is also valid; there is no change management


To Do

  • implement intersection()
  • consider to not base Segment, Interlap on Array (instead, use no particular class or else maybe Multimix); this would rid the API of all the spurious methods tacked onto what is intended to be pure data objects; observe that d = new Interlap(); d.push 42 will throw an error in strict mode because d is frozen; other methods might return surprising/meaningless results; manipulation of laps, segments at any rate intended to happen through library functions, not object methods