0.30.0 • Published 7 months ago

intertext-lexer v0.30.0

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InterText Lexer Interlex

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InterText Lexer Interlex


  • An 'empty lexer' (i.e. a lexer without any lexemes) will match the empty string and nothing else; depending on the lexer's configuration, the former may contain $start and / or $end tokens, and the latter, in addition, may either contain a single $error token or else throw an error, as the case may be.

Adding Lexemes

  • ATM adding lexemes one by one is supported by calling lexer.add_lexeme()
  • in the future, defining entire grammars in one go should become possible
  • lexer.add_lexeme() expects a cfg ('configuration') object with the following keys:
    • cfg.mode: a valid JS identifier to identify the lexing mode;
      • if no base mode was passed on instantiation of the lexer, the mode named in the first call to lexer.add_lexeme() will become the base mode
      • lexing will start from the base mode, which thereby becomes the initial mode (but note that the base mode may be re-assumed later without it becoming the initial mode)
    • cfg.lxid (Lexeme ID): a valid JS identifier to identify the matched lexeme;
    • cfg.pattern: a string or a regular expression to describe a constant or variable pattern. Strings will be converted to regexes, using proper escaping for all characters that are special in regexes (like *, ( and so on);
      • named groups (captures): when a regular expression has named groups (as in /abc(?<letter>[a-z]+)/), those matches will be put into an object named g of the token (so if the above matches, token.g.letter will contain a string matching one or more of the basic 26 lower case Latin letters)
    • names of modes and lexemes will be used to construct regex group names; therefore, they must all be valid JS identifiers
    • cfg.jump: see Jumps
    • cfg.create: an optional function that will be called right after a token is created from the lexeme (and right before it is frozen and yielded to the caller); whatever create() returns will become the next token
    • cfg.value and cfg.empty_value allow to set the value property of a token; both can be either null (the default), a text or a function whose return value will become token.value.
      • when defined, cfg.value will always override the token value; cfg.empty_value will only be considered when the token value would be an empty string
      • when cfg.value or cfg.empty_value are functions, they will be called in the context of the lexer and with the token as only argument
      • cfg.value or cfg.empty_value will be considered immediately before cfg.create() is called (where applicable)


The jump property of a lexeme declaration indicates which new mode the lexer should switch to when it encounters a matching pattern. It is either a string or a function. Allowed strings take one of four forms (assuming we're in mode plain in the below):

  • entry jumps (jumps that mandate a jump to a new mode): say we're looking for left pointy brackets < and want to switch to mode tag. Depending on whether the boundary itself should belong to the current or the upcoming mode, the value for jump should have either a leading or a trailing left square bracket [:

    • { jump: '[tag', }: an inclusive entry jump; the 'boundary post' (the token for the <) will belong to the new mode, tag). This is called 'inclusive' because the new mode already includes the upcoming token (although it is declared with mode: 'plain'). The jump target tag appears 'inside' the square bracket.
    • { jump: 'tag[', }: an exclusive entry jump; the 'boundary post' (the token for the <) will belong to the old mode, plain). This is called 'exclusive' because the new mode will not include the upcoming token. The jump target appears 'outside' the square bracket.
  • exit jumps (jumps that mandate a jump out of the current mode back to the previous one): say we're inside a pair of pointy brackets <...> that we're lexing in mode tag; now we encounter the right pointy bracket > that signals the end of that stretch, so it's time to revert to plain. This can be symbolized by a jump value that either starts or ends with a ] (right square bracket) and has a . (dot) symbolizing the location of the mode the 'boundary post' will belong to:

    • { jump: '.]', }: an inclusive exit jump; 'boundary post' belongs to the old mode, tag
    • { jump: '].', }: an exclusive exit jump; 'boundary post' belongs to the new mode, plain
  • singleton (or virtual) jumps: lexemes that are declared with a mode name enclosed by a left and a right bracket as in jump: '[foo]' will, when a match occurs, cause a token to be emitted for that match whose mode is set to the jump target (here foo). For example, when declaring tokens and modes for typical "string literals", it is possible to fast-track, as it were, the special case of an empty string literal, "", in plain mode, but still make that lexeme and token belong to the string literal mode (say, dqstr for 'double quoted string'): lexer.add_lexeme { mode: 'plain', lxid: 'dq2', jump: '[dqstr]', pattern: /(?<!")""(?!")/u, reserved: '"', }.

    • Singleton jumps will cause border tokens to be emitted just as with regular jumps (when the lexer is configured with border_tokens: true).
  • In case the value of the jump property is a function, it will be called with an object { token, match, lexer, }. It should return one of:

    • null in case nothing should be done; the token will be used as passed into this function, and the mode will not be changed, or
    • an object with two optional properties, jump and token, in which case
      • jump should be an optional string whose be interpreted as described above, and
      • token which could be the token passed in or a completely new one.
      • In any event, the token's jump, mode and mk properties will be adjusted as appropriate which means that setting or not setting these values makes no difference.
    • Note: You can only change the lexer's mode by returning an allowable value for jump; a returned token's mode will be ignored.


Here is a minimal lexer that understands a tiny fraction of the Markdown grammar, namely, single stars * for emphasis and single backticks ` for code spans. The single star will be passed through as-is inside code spans:

{ Interlex
  compose  }        = require 'intertext-lexer'
first               = Symbol 'first'
last                = Symbol 'last'
new_toy_md_lexer = ( mode = 'plain' ) ->
  lexer   = new Interlex { dotall: false, }
  lexer.add_lexeme { mode: 'plain',   lxid: 'escchr',    jump: null,       pattern:  /\\(?<chr>.)/u,     }
  lexer.add_lexeme { mode: 'plain',   lxid: 'star1',     jump: null,       pattern:  /(?<!\*)\*(?!\*)/u, }
  lexer.add_lexeme { mode: 'plain',   lxid: 'codespan',  jump: 'literal[', pattern:  /(?<!`)`(?!`)/u,    }
  lexer.add_lexeme { mode: 'plain',   lxid: 'other',     jump: null,       pattern:  /[^*`\\]+/u,        }
  lexer.add_lexeme { mode: 'literal', lxid: 'codespan',  jump: '.]',       pattern:  /(?<!`)`(?!`)/u,    }
  lexer.add_lexeme { mode: 'literal', lxid: 'text',      jump: null,       pattern:  /(?:\\`|[^`])+/u,   }
  return lexer

Topological Sorting

Interlex optionally uses topological sorting (provided by ltsort, q.v.) of lexemes. This is triggered by adding a before or after attribute when calling leyer.add_lexeme(). Either attribute may be a TID (which identifies a lexeme in the same mode) or a list (array) of TIDs. Both values may also be a star * meaning 'before' or 'after everything else'. These dependency indicators don't have to be exhaustive; where left unspecified, the relative ordering of addition of the lexemes is kept.

Observe that ordering is only defined for lexemes within the same lexer mode; there's no notion of relative ordering between lexer modes or lexemes across modes.

Reserved and Catchall Lexemes

Each lexeme can announce so-called 'reserved' characters or words; these are for now restricted to strings and lists of strings, but could support regexes in the future as well. The idea is to collect those characters and character sequences that are 'triggers' for a given lexeme and, when the mode has been defined, to automatically construct two lexemes that will capture

  • all the remaining sequences of non-reserved characters; this is called a catchall lexeme (whose default TID is set to $catchall unless overriden by a lxid setting). The catchall lexeme's function lies in explicitly capturing any part of the input that has not been covered by any other lexemer higher up in the chain of patterns, thereby avoiding a more unhelpful $error token that would just say 'no match at position so-and-so' and terminate lexing.

  • all the remaining reserved characters (default TID: $reserved); these could conceivably be used to produce a list of fishy parts in the source, and / or to highlight such places in the output, or, if one feels so inclined, terminate parsing with an error message. For example, when one wants to translate Markdown-like markup syntax to HTML, one could decide that double stars start and end bold type (<strong>...</strong>), or, when a single asterisk is used at the start of a line, indicate unordered list items (<ul>...<li>...</ul>), and are considered illegal in any other position except inside code stretches and when escaped with a backslash. Such a mechanism can help to uncover problems with the source text instead of just glancing over dubious markup and 'just do something', possibly leading to subtle errors.

Whether the catchall and the reserved lexemes should match single occurrences or contiguous stretches of occurrences of reserved items can be set with concat: true and concat: false. In the below lexer these have been left to their defaults (no concatenation called for), but in the last tabular output below the result for a string of 'foreign' and 'reserved' characters with concat: true is shown.

{ Interlex, } = require 'intertext-lexer'
### NOTE these are the default settings, shown here for clarity ###
lexer = new Interlex()
mode    = 'plain'
lexer.add_lexeme { mode, lxid: 'escchr',           pattern:  /\\(?<chr>.)/u, reserved: '\\', }
lexer.add_lexeme { mode, lxid: 'star2',            pattern: ( /(?<!\*)\*\*(?!\*)/u   ), reserved: '*', }
lexer.add_lexeme { mode, lxid: 'heading',          pattern: ( /^(?<hashes>#+)\s+/u ), reserved: '#', }
lexer.add_lexeme { mode, lxid: 'word',             pattern: ( /\p{Letter}+/u ), }
lexer.add_lexeme { mode, lxid: 'number_symbol',    pattern: ( /#(?=\p{Number})/u ), }
lexer.add_lexeme { mode, lxid: 'number',           pattern: ( /\p{Number}+/u ), }
lexer.add_lexeme { mode, lxid: 'ws',               pattern: ( /\s+/u ), }
lexer.add_catchall_lexeme { mode, concat: false, }
lexer.add_reserved_lexeme { mode, concat: false, }
H.tabulate "lexer", ( x for _, x of lexer.registry.plain.lexemes )
for probe in [ 'helo', 'helo*x', '*x', "## question #1 and a hash: #", "## question #1 and a hash: \\#", ]
  debug GUY.trm.reverse GUY.trm.steel probe
  H.tabulate ( rpr probe ), lexer.run probe

The lexer's plain mode now has a $catchall and a reserved lexeme:

│mode   │lxid           │pattern                                  │jump  │reserved  │type_of_jump  │
│plain  │escchr         │/(?<𝔛escchr>\\(?<escchr𝔛chr>.))/u        │●     │\         │nojump        │
│plain  │star2          │/(?<𝔛star2>(?<!\*)\*\*(?!\*))/u          │●     │*         │nojump        │
│plain  │heading        │/(?<𝔛heading>^(?<heading𝔛hashes>#+)\s+)/u│●     │#         │nojump        │
│plain  │word           │/(?<𝔛word>\p{Letter}+)/u                 │●     │●         │nojump        │
│plain  │number_symbol  │/(?<𝔛number_symbol>#(?=\p{Number}))/u    │●     │●         │nojump        │
│plain  │number         │/(?<𝔛number>\p{Number}+)/u               │●     │●         │nojump        │
│plain  │ws             │/(?<𝔛ws>\s+)/u                           │●     │●         │nojump        │
│plain  │$catchall      │/(?<𝔛$catchall>(?!\\|\*|#)[^])/          │●     │●         │nojump        │
│plain  │$reserved      │/(?<𝔛$reserved>\\|\*|#)/                 │●     │●         │nojump        │


│mode   │lxid  │mk          │jump  │value  │x1     │x2    │g   │$key    │
│plain  │word  │plain:word  │●     │helo   │0      │4     │●   │^plain  │
│mode   │lxid       │mk               │jump  │value  │x1     │x2    │g   │$key    │
│plain  │word       │plain:word       │●     │helo   │0      │4     │●   │^plain  │
│plain  │$reserved  │plain:$reserved  │●     │*      │4      │5     │●   │^plain  │
│plain  │word       │plain:word       │●     │x      │5      │6     │●   │^plain  │
│mode   │lxid       │mk               │jump  │value  │x1     │x2    │g   │$key    │
│plain  │$reserved  │plain:$reserved  │●     │*      │0      │1     │●   │^plain  │
│plain  │word       │plain:word       │●     │x      │1      │2     │●   │^plain  │
 '## question #1 and a hash: #'
│mode   │lxid           │mk                   │jump  │value     │x1     │x2    │g               │$key    │
│plain  │heading        │plain:heading        │●     │##        │0      │3     │{ hashes: '##' }│^plain  │
│plain  │word           │plain:word           │●     │question  │3      │11    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │ws             │plain:ws             │●     │          │11     │12    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │number_symbol  │plain:number_symbol  │●     │#         │12     │13    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │number         │plain:number         │●     │1         │13     │14    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │ws             │plain:ws             │●     │          │14     │15    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │word           │plain:word           │●     │and       │15     │18    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │ws             │plain:ws             │●     │          │18     │19    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │word           │plain:word           │●     │a         │19     │20    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │ws             │plain:ws             │●     │          │20     │21    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │word           │plain:word           │●     │hash      │21     │25    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │$catchall      │plain:$catchall      │●     │:         │25     │27    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │$reserved      │plain:$reserved      │●     │#         │27     │28    │●               │^plain  │
 '## question #1 and a hash: \\#'
│mode   │lxid           │mk                   │jump  │value     │x1     │x2    │g               │$key    │
│plain  │heading        │plain:heading        │●     │##        │0      │3     │{ hashes: '##' }│^plain  │
│plain  │word           │plain:word           │●     │question  │3      │11    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │ws             │plain:ws             │●     │          │11     │12    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │number_symbol  │plain:number_symbol  │●     │#         │12     │13    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │number         │plain:number         │●     │1         │13     │14    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │ws             │plain:ws             │●     │          │14     │15    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │word           │plain:word           │●     │and       │15     │18    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │ws             │plain:ws             │●     │          │18     │19    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │word           │plain:word           │●     │a         │19     │20    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │ws             │plain:ws             │●     │          │20     │21    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │word           │plain:word           │●     │hash      │21     │25    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │$catchall      │plain:$catchall      │●     │:         │25     │27    │●               │^plain  │
│plain  │escchr         │plain:escchr         │●     │\#        │27     │29    │{ chr: '#' }    │^plain  │

Result with add_catchall_lexeme { mode, concat: false, }, add_reserved_lexeme { mode, concat: false, }:

│mode   │lxid       │mk               │jump  │value  │x1     │x2    │g   │$key    │
│plain  │$catchall  │plain:$catchall  │●     │:      │0      │1     │●   │^plain  │
│plain  │$catchall  │plain:$catchall  │●     │.      │1      │2     │●   │^plain  │
│plain  │$catchall  │plain:$catchall  │●     │;      │2      │3     │●   │^plain  │
│plain  │$reserved  │plain:$reserved  │●     │*      │3      │4     │●   │^plain  │
│plain  │$reserved  │plain:$reserved  │●     │#      │4      │5     │●   │^plain  │

Result with add_catchall_lexeme { mode, concat: true, }, add_reserved_lexeme { mode, concat: true, }:

│mode   │lxid       │mk               │jump  │value  │x1     │x2    │g   │$key    │
│plain  │$catchall  │plain:$catchall  │●     │:.;    │0      │3     │●   │^plain  │
│plain  │$reserved  │plain:$reserved  │●     │*#     │3      │5     │●   │^plain  │
  • it is possible to give $catchall and $reserved lexemes a custom TID by settting the lxid parameter when calling lexer.add_catchall_lexeme() and lexer.add_reserved_lexeme()

Linewise Lexing and State-Keeping

  • state:

    • state: 'keep'—do not reset lexer state implicitly (except once before the very first chunk of source is passed to the lexer with lexer.walk() or lexer.run())
      • this is the default for both split: 'lines' and split: false, so modes (but not lexemes) may stretch across line or chunk boundaries
    • state: 'reset'—reset lexer state before processing each new chunk of source. This happens always when lexer.walk() (or lexer.run()) is called, and, if split: 'lines' is set, before each new line of input
  • split:

    • split: 'lines'—the default; when lexer.walk { source, } (or lexer.run { source, }) is called, the lexer will internally use GUY.str.walk_lines source to split the source into line-sized chunks (with line endings such as \n removed)
    • split: false—no splitting of source is attempted.
      • when lexer.walk { path, } is used with split: false (not recommended), then the entire content of the corresponding file are first (synchronously) read into memory and then lexed in its entirety. This may be suboptimal when files get big in comparison to available RAM.
  • automatic $border tokens:

    • enabled with cfg.border_tokens: true
    • issued whenever a jump from one mode to the other occurs
    • when jump lexemes are declared as inclusive, just looking at the stream of tokens may make it impossible to determine stretches of contiguous tokens; e.g. when < starts and > ends tag mode inclusively, then <t1><t2> will have a sequence of { value: '>', mode: 'tag', }, { value: '<', mode: 'tag', } with no change in mode. Enable border tokens and now you get a sequence

      { mode: 'tag', lxid: 'rightpointy',  value: '>', }
      { mode: 'tag', lxid: '$border',      value: '', atrs: { prv: 'tag',   nxt: 'plain', }, }
      { mode: 'tag', lxid: '$border',      value: '', atrs: { prv: 'plain', nxt: 'tag',   }, }
      { mode: 'tag', lxid: 'leftpointy',   value: '<', }`
    • value of border tokens can be set with e.g. cfg.border_value: '|' (can then concatenate all value properties of all tokens to visualize where lexer mode was changed)

  • Behavior of automatic $eof tokens:

    • only when enabled at instantiation with eof_token: true
    • when start tokens are enabled, they will be sent
      • when state is reset: each time lexer.walk() is called
      • when state is keep: only when lexer.walk() is called for the first time after an implicit or explicit reset of the lexer state (an implicit call only occurs once after a lexer has been instantiated and is used for the first time, or is triggered by a prior explicit call to lexer.end())
    • in any event, 'reset of lexer state' means that mode stack is emptied and the lexing mode is set to the base mode; however, the line number will not be reset to 1
    • when EOF tokens are enabled, they will be sent
      • when state is reset: each time lexer.walk() is called and has exhausted the current source
      • when state is keep: any time when lexer.end() is called (explicitly)
    • there's the edge case that a reset of the lexer state caused by an explicit call to lexer.start() from application code within a for token from lexer.walk source loop; this is a question that will have to be dealt with later
  • using { state: 'reset', } can be advantageous when lexing line-oriented code such as CSV because it guarantees that at the start of each line, the lexer is reset to its base mode and hence things like an erroneously forgotten closing quote will not affect the entire rest of the result; in other words, it makes lexing a little more robust.

CFG Settings first, last, start_of_line, end_of_line

It is possible to include any kind of values when lexing starts or ends and also before and after each line; in each case, no value is sent if the respective setting is null or undefined; when the setting has been set to a function, that function is called without arguments; all other values are sent as-is. In order to send null, undefined or a function, use a function with that return value.

  • first: emitted as first token
  • last: emitted as last token when end of source has been reached
  • start_of_line: only when split: 'lines' is set: emitted before first token (if any) of each line
  • end_of_line: only when split: 'lines' is set: emitted after last token (if any) of each line

The reset() Method

The reset() method of the Lexer will be called at the beginning of lexing and, additionally when split: 'lines' is set, before each new line.

Linewise Lexing


  • advantages
    • no more struggling with different end-of-line (EOL) standards
    • lexeme definitions can simply assume /^/ will match start-of-line and /$/ will match end-of-line, forget about the 'dot match all' flag (/.../s)
    • oftentimes, 'lines of text' will be reasonably small and meaningful chunks of data to work with, as certified by the success of decades of Posix-style line-oriented data processing; the alternative is handling the content of an entire (arbitrarily huge) file, or abitrary chunks of a file derived from a running offsets + some byte lengths (which always risks cutting through a multibyte UTF-8-encoded character and needs some sort of careful state-keeping)
    • most of time, lexers will have no need to look at EOL characters; many languages do not care for newlines (outside of string literals) at all and those that do care only (at least at the lexing level) about whether something comes close to the start or the end of a given line, or that something like a line comment will extend to the end of the present line
  • initialize with lexer = new Interlex { linewise: true, }
  • each time lexer.feed(), lexer.walk(), or lexer.run() is called, internal line counter is incremented
  • therefore, should call lexer.feed(), lexer.walk(), and lexer.run() only with a single line of text
  • observe that one can always call lexer.walk { path, }, then lexer will iterate over lines of the file
  • lexer will yield lexemes in the shape { mode, lxid, mk, jump, value, lnr1, x1, lnr2, x2, g, source, } as with non-linewise lexing, but with source representing the current line (not the entire lexed text), lnr1 indicating the 1-based line number of the start of the match, lnr2 the same for the end of the match, and x1 and x2 indexing into those lines in terms of exclusive 0-based UTF-16 code unit indexes) (so if the first letter on the first line is matched, its token will contain { lnr1: 1, x1: 0, lnr2: 1, x2: 1, })
    • since lnr1 and lnr2 are only present in linewise lexing which implies that the lexer only gets to see a single line at a time, lnr1 and lnr2 must always be equal (IOW there can be no tokens across linebreaks in linewise mode). However, if those tokens are then fed to a parser, that parser may match tokens across linebreaks, and in that case it will be convenient to derive the position of the resulting region by { lnr1, x1, } = first_token; { lnr2, x2, } = last_token

Prepending and Appending to Chunks and Lines

  • Can instantiate lexer with prepend, append settings
  • this will prefix, suffix each line or chunk with the string given, if any
  • may choose to instantiate as lexer = new Interlex { split: 'lines', append: '\n', } to ensure each line is properly terminated depending on use case
  • when prepending, x positions will take prefix length into account and will not match positions in the source

Comparing Token Positions

  • import as { sorter } = require 'intertext-lexer'
  • sorter.sort: ( tokens... ) ->—sort tokens according to their relative positions as given by the attributes lnr1, x1
  • sorter.cmp: ( a, b ) =>—compare the positions of two tokens a, b according to their attributes lnr1, x1; returns -1 if a starts before b, 0 if a and b start at the same point (not possible if a ≠ b and both tokens came out of the same lexer running over the same source), and +1 if a starts after b
  • sorter.ordering_is: ( a, b ) -> ( @cmp a, b ) is -1—returns true if the ordering of the two tokens a, b is as given in the call, otherwise false. If JavaScript allowed for custom operators or operator overrides, then maybe I would've implemented this as a << b or a precedes b instead of ordering_is a, b


  • can increase (but not decrease) line number lnr1, lnr2, code unit index x1, x2 by calling lexer.set_offset { lnr, x, } before lexing a chunk of source
  • lnr must be a one-based line number; it will be decremented by 1 and added to both lnr1 and lnr2
  • x must be a zero-based code unit index (JS string index); it will be added to both x1 and x2
  • both lnr and x are optional; their defaults are { lnr: 1, x: 0, }
  • this is useful when parts of a file or a string are to be lexed with some parts omitted
  • output of Start_stop_preprocessor can be used, line and column positions will be those in the original source



Collection of useful stuff

Start-Stop Preprocessor

  • use it to find start, stop tokens in source before applying your main lexer
  • currently fixed to recognize XML processing instruction-like <?start?>, <?stop?>, <?stop-all?> (with variant <?stop_all?> to avoid risk of line breaks when re-flowing text in editor); no whitespace may be used inside these
  • could be extended to accept custom lexer or custom lexemes
  • will yield tokens with { data: { active: true, }, } (or false) depending on whether source text followed more close a start or a stop instruction
  • the tokens containing the relevant processing instructions will always be set to active: false
  • uses linewise mode
  • initialize as

    { tools } = require 'intertext-lexer'
    prepro    = new tools.Start_stop_preprocessor { active: true, eraser: ' ', }

    Shown here are the defaults:

    • set active: false to only start when a <?start?> marker is found
    • eraser and joiner control how gaps in the source are treated
    • consider a source like abc<?start?>xyz being processed with initial active: true
    • the <?start?> marker is redundant in that case and will be 'elided', meaning a token with `value:
    • but that leaves a hole in the source: abc❓❓❓xyz, how to deal with it?
    • the MVP solution was to send one active chunk abc, one inactive chunk <?start?>, then one active chunk xyz. But this is not a good solution if the downstream lexer operates in linewise fashion because it then will treat abc and xyz as appearing on two consecutive lines and mess up their position data
    • most of the time one would prefer all lnr1, x1 positions to be preserved as faithfully as feasable
    • xyz occurred at x1: 12 in the input; if we now pass on abcxyz that would change its position to x1: 3. What's more, it isn't quite clear whether we should treat abc and xyz as separate stretches / words (because they were separated by a marker) or as a single stretch / word (because the marker was elided). Only the consumer can tell what they want
    • The preprocessor tries to err on the side of the 'safe' and practical assumption that the consumer probably wants their source positions be preserved and won't mind extraneous inline spaces (true for a lot or source code, HTML &c) and will replace each elided character by a \x20 (U+0020 Space), yieldingabc xyz.
    • This behavior is called 'erasing' and is controlled by the eraser configuration setting. This can be any string, including the empty string; it will be repeated for as many times as the number of code units (JS string index, length) the erased part comprised (so any codepoint in U+0000..U+FFFF will preserve positions)
    • The alternative to 'erasing' is 'joining' which will put a single copy of whatever text is present in the joiner configuration setting into the spot where a marker was found, so processing abc<?start?>xyz with joiner: ' ' will produce abc xyz
    • settings eraser: '' and joiner: '' are equivalent and will produce abcxyz
    • if the default setting of eraser: ' ' is no good fit for your use case consider to use something like eraser: '\x00'; U+0000 should not normally be part of any human-readable text source; a pattern /\x00+/ will preserve the information that the source has a hole in this spot, and the resulting line abc␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀xyz will preserve positions
    • Because the preprocessor will keep lines with 'holes' rather than breaking up lines that have intermittend start/stop marks, the relative ordering of active and inactive chunks is not guaranteed; only the ordering relative to other active (respectively inactive) tokens is preserved

To Do

  • documentation
  • allow to configure start, stop, error tokens, implicit finalize()
  • introduce aliases for names of compose that don't use snake case &c
  • group renaming has a fault in that it will wrongly accept things looking like a named group inside a square-bracket character class, as in /[?<abc>)]
  • we cannot mix regexes with and without s / dotall flag; configure that per mode, per instance?
  • allow to add lexemes w/out explicit mode, will provide default / add to base mode
  • use datoms
  • provide collection of standard lexers for recurring tasks, including an abstracted version of Markdown star lexer
  • clarify whether to use 'lexeme ID' or 'token ID'; whould really be the former because a lexeme is the description ('class' or 'type' if you will) of its instances (the tokens); tokens with the same lxid may repeat while there can only be at most one lexeme with a given lxid in a given namespace / mode
  • implement readable representation / RPR for lexers, maybe as table
  • safeguard against undefined lexemes mentioned by before, after
  • distinguish between
    • proto-lexemes (which are lexeme definitions may be incomplete and have not yet been compiled; they are 'dormant' and stateless),
    • (proper) lexemes (which are lexemes in the registry lexer that is ready to be used; these may be stateful), and
    • tokens (the results of certain lexemes having matched at some point in the source text)
  • allow symbolic mode, jump values as in '$codespan_mode' that refer to values in @cfg?
  • allow to set prefixes for input (as class members) and output (as instance members, object properties, or list elements)
  • implement add_lexemes() for adding single and multiple lexemes
  • make use of mode names in lx_* properties mandatory to avoid name conflicts
  • implement set_lnr()

  • offer text normalization that includes removing trailing whitespace, different line endings

    echo '–––'; echo "a1 xyz123\nb1"
    echo '–––'; echo "a2 xyz123\n\rb2"
    echo '–––'; echo "a3 xyz123\r\nb3"
    echo '–––'; echo "a4 xyz123\n\nb4"
    echo '–––'; echo "a5 xyz123\n\r\n\rb5"
    echo '–––'; echo "a6 xyz123\n\n\r\rb6"
    echo '–––'; echo "a7 xyz123\r\n\r\nb7"
    echo '–––'; echo "a8 xyz123\r\n\n\rb8"
    /(\n\r|\r\n|\n)/ -> '\n'
    /\r/ -> ''
  • export GUY.*.walk_lines() to promote easy use of line-wise lexing

  • should we walk over entire file content when lexer.cfg.linewise is false? Needed to keep parity with walking over texts
  • implement reset() method that is equivalent to instantiating a new lexer with the same settings
  • already possible to use : within mode names to indicate multi-level hierarchy (modes and submodes); possible / necessary / useful to formalize this?
  • allow lexeme declarations to declare errors with a code
  • optionally (but less importantly), could demand implicit catchall and reserved lexemes for all modes, then allow overrides per mode
  • add public API new_token() (can be used as new_token t to produce copy of t, or new_token { t..., value: 'xxx', } to derive from t, so don't need explicit arguments for that)
  • review role of Datom, $key element
  • introduce new value for cfg.split which is like lines but foregoes the implicit application of GUY.str.walk_lines() and trimming, assuming this has been properly done by the consumer; this mainly as a minor optimization
  • how to mark borders when two inclusive jumps appear with no separation as in <tag1><tag2>?
  • implement method to add standard lexemes:
    • for escaped characters, like { mode, lxid: 'escchr', pattern: /\\(?<chr>.)/u, reserved: '\\', }
    • for line ends / newlines, like { mode, lxid: 'nl', jump: null, pattern: /$/u, value: '\n', }
  • add tests to ensure positive, negative lookbehinds, lookaheads are not recognized as capturing groups
  • might want to have tokens that cause one or two border tokens to be emitted, notation:
    • jump: '].[': emit one token { lxid: '$border, data: { prv: 'plain', nxt: 'plain', }, }
    • jump: ']..[': emit two tokens { lxid: '$border, data: { prv: 'plain', nxt: 'plain', }, }
    • jump: ']xyz[': emit two tokens { lxid: '$border, data: { prv: 'plain', nxt: 'xyz', }, } and { lxid: '$border, data: { prv: 'xyz', nxt: 'plain', }, }; the mode xyz introduced here need not be declared
  • implement positioning API to ensure correct positioning of tokens obtained from a lexer that consumes output of a Start_stop_preprocessor:
    • lexer.set_position()
    • lexer.get_position()
    • lexer.get_position_1()
    • lexer.set_position_1()
    • lexer.get_position_2()
    • lexer.set_position_2()
    • lexer.get_offset()
    • + lexer.set_offset()
  • allow parsing of 'minimal token' with mandatory attribute, value, optional attributes lnr1, x1; this will implicitly call lexer.set_offset { lnr: t.lnr1, x: t.x1, }. Useful for consuming tokens from Start_stop_preprocessor
    • should offset be reset or carried on when intermittently lexing w/out positions?
  • consider to rename token.source -> token.input, token.value -> token.source
    • FTTB, allow minimal token to have either value and / or source attributes, prefer value where present
    • importantly, input shape should match output shape (with the exception that input may also come from strings or a file instead of a token-like object)
  • implement declarative chaining of preprocessors and lexers, lexers and lexers
  • implement using regexes in reserved when possible
  • disallow lexing with an 'empty' lexer (that has no lexemes); must explicitly declare a 'match-nothing' lexeme if that's what you want (unlikely)
  • remove set_offset(), implement set_position()
  • in test start_stop_preprocessor/start_stop_preprocessor_basic() some tests show active, inactive tokens out of order; try to fix in preprocessor $assemble_lines()?
  • just as denchg tokens are emitted at the very start and end of each document, so should $border tokens be emitted
  • use $meta (or similar), $outline as mode names in preprocessors to avoid name clashes with userland modes
  • allow for longest-first matches that, starting from the left end, always return the longest matching sequence, such that list of integers is split into list of, integers when matchers are /list\b/, list\s+of\b, integers?\b (and, indeed, /of\s+integers?\b/)
  • use slevithan/regex internally to escape strings etc.; export it for the benefit of the user

Is Done

  • + demo in hengist/dev/snippets/src/demo-compose-regexp.coffee and hengist/blob/master/dev/intertext-lexer/src/first-demo.coffee
  • + prefix named groups for parameters with rule name (token key) to enable re-use of parameter names
  • + allow multiple gosub_*, return tokens in a single lexer mode; use API rather than naming convention for these
  • + implement cfg-based API for add_lexeme() that provides jump argument to replace gosub_/return naming convention
  • + implement step()
  • + rename autoreset, reset() -> autostart, start()
  • + make calls to finalize() implicit
  • + with cfg.autostart, feed() and reset() behave identically
  • + implement feed() to add new source
  • + implement functions for jump
  • + implement topological sorting of lexemes
  • + allow lexemes to announce 'reserved' / 'forbidden' / 'active' characters (such as < that signals start of an HTML tag) that can later be used to formulate a fallback pattern to capture otherwise unmatched text portions
    • + at any point, allow to construct a pattern that only matches reserved characters and a pattern that matches anything except reserved characters
  • + (?) consider to reset lexer.cfg.linewise to true when lexer.walk() gets called with path or else throw error (because results will likely be not as expected). Contra: legitimate to parse with local positions, no line numbers
  • + implement lexeme property create
  • + disallow lexemes to be accidentally overwritten
  • + allow lexeme declarations to override value by setting either value or empty_value to
  • + modify behavior of catchall and reserved:
    • + catchall and reserved are 'declared', not 'added', meaning they will be created implicitly when _finalize() is called
    • + catchall and reserved alway come last (in this order)
    • + prevent re-ordering of catchall and reserved when doing topological sorting
    • + the instantiation settings catchall_concat and reserved_concat can be overriden when either is declared constant or function
  • + implement line, col coordinates for tokens
  • + change indexing shape from lnr, start, stop to l1, x1, l2, x2, since in the general case, a token may start one one line and end on another. x1, x2 are zero-based, exclusive, code unit indexes (JS string indices), while l1, l2 are one-based, inclusive line numbers. Observe that it can be quite difficult to give correct column numbers when complex scripts are used; for Latin script sources that do not use combining characters but may be intermingled e.g. with symbols and CJK characters from SMP, SIP and TIP , ( Array.from 'string'[ ... x1 ] ).length converts correctly from 0-based code units to human-readable column counts (but throw in combining characters, RTL scripts or complex emoji and they will be incorrect)
  • + consider to introduce 'pre-jumps' (?) such that the occurrence of a match (say, < in plain mode) means that the match is already in the jump-target mode (say, tag). This should make some things cleaner / more logical when both the left and the right delimiters of a mode are within that mode Implement syntax, semantics for inclusive, exclusive jumps:
    • fast, slow jump; inclusive, exclusive jump; early, late jump
    • syntax (assuming mode plain):
      • entry jumps:
        • { jump: '[tag', } (inclusive entry jump; boundary 'post' belongs to new mode tag),
        • { jump: 'tag[', } (exclusive entry jump; boundary 'post' belongs to old mode plain),
      • exit jumps; the location of the . (dot) symbolizes the location of the mode the 'post' will belong to:
        • { jump: '.]', } (inclusive exit jump; boundary 'post' belongs to old mode tag),
        • { jump: '].', } (exclusive exit jump; boundary 'post' belongs to new mode plain)
    • documentation
  • + rename x -> atrs
  • + rename atrs -> data
  • + implement 'singleton' / 'virtual' jumps:
    • jump: '[str]' will return a token in mode str without jumping into that mode (or, by 'virtually' jumping to that mode and then immediately back); the value of the token will be the matched substring (as usual)
    • optionally: jump: 'str[]', same as above, but value will always be the empty string (can also be done as jump: '[str]', value: '' so not essential)
  • + add MVP version of tools/start-stop-preprocessor to implement start/stop roughly as detailed below

    implement a preprocessing mode and a binary property lexer.state.active, the rule being that

    • until the preprocessing mode has brought the lexer from active == false to active == true, all material is rendered, as-is, as value property of special $raw tokens, without being scanned by the regular mode patterns
    • as soon as the preprocessing mode can bring lexer.state.active from true to false and vice versa any number of times, which means that we can use the lexer to determine regions for lexing
    • the reason the above is not feasable with regular modes is that
      • once we jump from preprocessing to regular, the lexer will stay in that regular mode (when state: 'keep' is set)
      • when preprocessing has found a start meta-token, one does know that only material after that token will have to be lexed by an regular mode—but one does not yet know whether another meta-token can be matched within that remaining region of the source; therefore, one has to first exhaust the preprocessor (for the current chunk or line at least) before regular lexing can start
      • this is essentially the behavior of Interlex itself, so one could implement preprocessing by instantiating a separate Interlex instance
  • + tokens should never have the jump function as value for the jump property


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