2.0.5 • Published 5 years ago

intl-generator v2.0.5

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Last release
5 years ago


npm install intl-generator

This library is very good working with: https://github.com/yahoo/react-intl/ If you wan't to use it to generate your JSON file with another i18n library, you could try or just request/send a PR :)

How to use?

1 - First, you must to have an React Application and install https://github.com/yahoo/react-intl

2 - You must setup your react-intl following the documentation.

3 - Inside your ./src folder, create an _i18n folder.

4 - Now, create a setupi18n.js file in any folder of your preference with an structure like this:

!!!WARNING!!! this file won't be imported in your react application!!!

  • Run this command npm install intl-generator
const { intlgeneratorSetup } = require('intl-generator')

const { addTranslations, exportLanguagesJSON } = intlgeneratorSetup('en-US')

// - Obrigatório um idioma padrão
        'key': 'default.yourmessagegoeshere',
        'pt-BR': 'Sua mensagem vai aqui {name}',
        'en-US': 'Your message goes here {name}',
        'key': 'default.welcome',
        'pt-BR': 'Bem vindo',
        'en-US': 'Welcome',
        'pt-BR': 'Olá mundo',
        'en-US': 'Hello World',


That file will generate an JSON file inside ./src/_i18n/ with this structure:

####### ./src/_i18n/translations.json

    "en-US": {
        "default.yourmessagegoeshere": "Your message goes here {name}",
        "default.welcome": "Welcome",
        "Hello World": "Hello World"
    "pt-BR": {
        "default.yourmessagegoeshere": "Sua mensagem vai aqui {name}",
        "default.welcome": "Bem vindo",
        "Hello World": "Olá mundo"

That's exactly the format that react-intl want to translate your project.

<FormattedMessage id="Hello World"/> // Hello World / Olá Mundo

<FormattedMessage id="default.yourmessagegoeshere" values={{name: <b>{name}</b>}}/> // Your message goes here {name} / Sua mensagem vai aqui {name}

5 - To generate that JSON whenever you update the setupi18n.js with the react-scripts start command running:

  • Install these two libraries npm install --save-dev concurrently nodemon;
  • Add these two scripts to your package.json:
  "start": "concurrently \"react-scripts start\" \"npm run i18n:build\"",
  "i18n:build": "nodemon ./setupi18n.js",

6 - After that, update your react-intl provider to import that generated JSON:

####### ./src/_i18n/IntlProviderConfigured.js

import React from 'react';
import { addLocaleData, IntlProvider } from 'react-intl'
import en from 'react-intl/locale-data/en'
import pt from 'react-intl/locale-data/pt'
import translations from './translations.json'

addLocaleData([...en, ...pt])

let locale = 'pt-BR' // Build your own strategy to get the locale
// locale = 'en-US'

console.log('translations[locale]', translations[locale])

export default ({children}) => (
    <IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={translations[locale]}>