0.0.3 • Published 9 years ago

intl-i18n v0.0.3

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9 years ago

Intl I18n

A Simple and powerfull tool for Internationalization & Localization.


npm install intl-i18n

How It Works

This package has a single default class with an static function addLocaleData for adding locale datas. Main class, I18n get default locale as an argument and return 5 functions:

  1. __ messagePath, values Formats complex messages, including plural and select arguments. (using ICU Message syntax)
  2. dt datetime, options Formats dates/times.
  3. rdt datetime, options Generates relative dates/times. (e.g. "2 mins ago").
  4. nm number, options Formats numbers.
  5. setLocale localeName Changes locale.


// Requirements
var I18n = require('intl-i18n');
var frLocaleData = require('intl-i18n/locales/fr');
var faLocaleData = require('intl-i18n/locales/fa');

// Configure
I18n.addLocaleData(frLocaleData, {
    'fr-FR': {
        formats: {
            datetime: {
                'my-format-name': { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', weekday: 'short' }
            number: {
                'CFP': { style: 'currency', currency: 'CFP' }
I18n.addLocaleData(faLocaleData, {
    'fa-IR': {
        formats: {
            datetime: {
                'my-format-name': { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', era: 'long', weekday: 'short' }
        messages: {
            'hello': { 'world': 'سلام جهان' },
            'messages': '{messages, plural, =0 {هیچ پیامی} =1 {یک پیام} other {# پیام}} {messages, plural, =0 {ندارید} other {دارید}}.'

// Build (Set default locale here)
var i18n = new I18n('fr-FR');
var date = Date.UTC(1994, 1, 26, 0, 0, 0);
console.log(dt(date, { format: 'my-format-name' })); // "sam. 26 février 1994"

// Change locale to persian

console.log(dt(date, { format: 'my-format-name' })); // "شنبه ۷ ۱۲ ۱۳۷۲ هجری شمسی"
console.log(__('hello.world')); // "سلام جهان"
console.log(__('messages', { messages: 0 })); // "هیچ پیامی ندارید."

// Change locale to french
console.log(i18n.rdt(Date.now() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 2))); // "il y a 2 heures"
console.log(i18n.nm(500, { format: 'CFP' })); // "500,00 CFP"