1.1.1 • Published 1 year ago

intl-phone v1.1.1

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1 year ago


A library that formats and validates phone numbers.

formatPhone Example usage

See ./src/formatPhone.test.js for more examples

import { formatPhone } 'intl-phone';

formatPhone('2015550123', 'US')
// ==> "(201) 555-0123"

formatPhone('612345678', 'FR')
// ==> "6 12 34 56 78"

formatPhone('612345678', 'FR', { format: 'international' })
// ==> "+33 6 12 34 56 78"

formatPhone('612345678', 'FR', { format: 'international', plusSymbol: false })
// ==> "33 6 12 34 56 78"

formatPhone('612345678', 'FR', { format: 'national' })
// ==> "06 12 34 56 78"

formatPhone('612345678', 'FR', { outOf: 'US' })
// ==> "011 33 6 12 34 56 78"

formatPhone('612345678', 'FR', { outOf: 'CH' })
// ==> "00 33 6 12 34 56 78"

validatePhone Example usage

See ./src/validatePhone.test.js for more examples

import { validatePhone } 'intl-phone';

validatePhone('1015550123', 'US')
// ==> false

Future Work

Eventually we should add options that allow user to chose format="E164".


Problem Statement

  • input formatting ( making it look correct )
  • input validation ( checking that the number is valid )




Trunk Prefix

A trunk prefix is a digit sequence to be dialed before a telephone number to initiate a call for the purpose of selecting an appropriate telecommunications circuit by which the call is to be routed.

IDD is a trunk prefix NDD is a trunk prefix


IDD ( International Direct Dialing )

Layman's Terms: How do I get out of my country !

Also known as: Exit Prefix, International Dialing Code, and International Call Prefix

Example: I want to get Out of the USA and into Australia:

011 61 7 3333 3333

So the USA’s IDD is 011

Note: this can be replaced by + symbol when formatting a phone number to match E.164

011 61 7 3333 3333 ------> + 61 7 3333 3333


Country Code

Layman's Terms: How do I get into a country !

Example: I want to get Into Australia from the USA:

011 61 7 3333 3333


NDD ( National Direct Dialing )

Layman’s Terms: Extra numbers when dialing within a country

Background: in a number of countries, local dialing may require the addition of a '0' in front of the subscriber number. With E.164 formatting, this '0' must usually be removed.


Dial Within Australia: 07 3333 3333

Dial Into Australia ( from US )	: 011 61 7 3333 3333

                                 ^^^NO 0 in front of 7^^^

E.164 Format: + 61 7 3333 3333

Different formats

Why are phone numbers so hard to format?

The following examples of how people will type phone numbers in england.


1212345678+44 121 234 5678landline in birmingham
2012345678+44 20 1234 5678landline in london
1525123456+44 1525 123456landline in Leighton Buzzard
1525123456+44 1525 123 456landline in Leighton Buzzard formatted differently
7400123456+44 7400 123456mobile
7400123456+44 7400 123 456mobile formatted differently


12123456780121 234 5678landline in birmingham
2012345678020 1234 5678landline in london
152512345601525 123456landline in Leighton Buzzard
152512345601525 123 456landline in Leighton Buzzard formatted differently
740012345607400 123456mobile
740012345607400 123 456mobile formatted differently

Note: This library currently only supports the international ( E.164 ) formats.


Using the above, we break a phone number down into its components.

Given 011 61 07 3333 3333 you can get:

  "iddPrefix": "011",
  "countryCode": "61",
  "nddPrefix": "0",
  "areaCode": "7",
  "number": "33333333"

However whats required to be stored is:

  "country": "AU",
  "areaCode": "7",
  "number": "33333333"

The rest can be derived from the above

Also acceptable storage

  "country": "AU",
  "countryCode": "61",
  "number": "733333333"
  "country": "AU",
  "number": "733333333"


These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


npm install

Running the tests

npm run test

Building the code

npm run build

Design Thought Process

Read this for a code thought process.

Adding/Updating countries

This lib is based on googles libphonenumber. To generate our configs, we eat googles meta.json. We have added a script in the runnable directory that can be used as follows:

npm run generate:meta /../../libphonenumber-js/metadata.json

Were the arg is your path to googles metadata.json file


The author of this package hates Typescript, however, realizes many people use it and therefore has added a index.d.ts file. This file is generated from the JSdocs found in every file. See the tsconfig for more details :)

Also check out this link

Generating json.js files

NOTE Below is actually not done for now but I kept it in the readme in case this becomes a problem.

Due to a known issue with browsers importing json files. This package must also contain the .js variants of the raw json files.

Therefore, not unlike googles lib-phonenumber library, we need to ship this along with the .json.js files.