0.0.20-Beta • Published 3 years ago

io.dltlabs.unify-cli v0.0.20-Beta

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3 years ago

Follow below steps to setup unify command line interface


unify ruffle [subCommand]

<subCommand> can be one of the following:
1. init
2. compile
3. link
4. deploy
5. invoke
6. search

      --help      Show help                                            [boolean]
      --version   Show version number                                  [boolean]
  -n, --name      init flag : Creates and Initialize the project with the name
                  passed as an option
  -f, --file      compile flag: Compiles the contract/s in the project with
                  contract file name passed as an option. Ensure extension of
                  contract is (*.sol).
  -c, --contract  deploy flag: Deploys the contract to network with contract
                  passed. Ensure extenstion of compiled contract is (*.json)
  -j, --path      deploy/link/invoke flag: Deploys the contract to network with
                  the nested path to contract. This is the path in case your
                  contract is in nested path from Work_Space/contract directory.
  -l, --library   link flag: Deploys the contract to network. The name of the
                  library to be linked.
  -d, --deployed  invoke flag: Invoke the deployed smart contract. Name of the
                  deployed contract (with *.json) extension.
  -m, --method    invoke flag: Method Name to be invoked from deployed smart
  -p, --params    invoke flag: Multiple arguments to contract method as an
                  array. For specific OS ensure you are skipping the escape character.
  -a, --address   invoke flag: contract address                         [string]
  -s, --account   search flag : Search the account activity in last 25 blocks.


## Steps for compiling and deploying HelloWorld on DL Unify Gateway with DL Unify CLI:
1.  Install the package by runing below command in your shell/cmd.

    npm install io.dltlabs.unify-cli

2.   Create and initialize HelloWorld project

    unify ruffle init --name HelloWorld

3.  Copy HelloWorld.sol file to contract folder created by previous 
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED

    pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <=0.8.7;

    // Specifies the version of Solidity, using semantic versioning.
    // Learn more: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.5.10/layout-of-source-files.html#pragma

    // Defines a contract named `HelloWorld`.
    // A contract is a collection of functions and data (its state). Once deployed, a contract resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain. Learn more: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.5.10/structure-of-a-contract.html
    contract HelloWorld {

    // Declares a state variable `message` of type `string`.
    // State variables are variables whose values are permanently stored in contract storage. The keyword `public` makes variables accessible from outside a contract and creates a function that other contracts or clients can call to access the value.
    string public message;

    // Similar to many class-based object-oriented languages, a constructor is a special function that is only executed upon contract creation.
    // Constructors are used to initialize the contract's data. Learn more:https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.5.10/contracts.html#constructors
    constructor(string memory initMessage) {
        // Accepts a string argument `initMessage` and sets the value into the contract's `message` storage variable).
        message = initMessage;

    // A public function that accepts a string argument and updates the `message` storage variable.
    function update(string memory newMessage) public {
        message = newMessage;

4.  Compile HelloWorld Solidity Contract
     unify ruffle compile --file HelloWorld.sol


    Note: Ensure the extenstion of file is .sol.

5. Deploy the contract to DL Unify GATEWAY.
    Simple Example:
     unify ruffle deploy -c  HelloWorld.sol
    Complex example:
     unify ruffle deploy -c VotingCore.json:VotingHostRegistry
        Note: make note of FileName:ContractName
    Nested example:
        In case if your contract is present deep into nested directory, while compiling the contract, use --nest option to the cli the actual path during deployement.

     unify ruffle deploy -c VotingCore.json:VotingHostRegistry --nest first_directory/second_directory
        Note: This nest option will apply for deploy, invoke and link cli sub command too if compiled contract was present in nested directory during compilation.

6. Verify the contract is deployed successfully @ [DLTESTNET Explorer](https://market-bcexplorer.devdlt.com/)

7. Invoke the contract method from CLI 
    unify ruffle invoke -d HelloWorld.json -m update -o 0x9580F899B7F9e06D6BC143742f810CFE8Eb82e34 -p '["hello"]'
    unify ruffle invoke -d VotingCore.json -m getMembership -o 0x724556864383745569dFAed8E030EF1FFE1389c7 -p '["0x28CbD506d22B28434815b5A3Dd4F99f17f542946"]'
    Invoking method with no parameters:

    unify ruffle invoke -d VotingCore.json -m getAmountVotings -o 0x724556864383745569dFAed8E030EF1FFE1389c7 -p '[]'
    Note: This nest option will apply for deploy, invoke and link cli sub command too if compiled contract was present in nested directory during compilation.

8. Search account activity with last 25 blocks:

    unify ruffle search -s 0x3ec180429a49f45adf252D22c9c5316e13b3c0b0

9. Link the deployed library to existing compiled contract before deplpoying.

    unify ruffle link -c SafeMathUsage.json -a 0x505Cc79ef6cf389C7A2Ad6D525A6b88A4493E0Bc -l SafeMath

## Set up environment

## Create and initialize HelloWorld project
![Create and Initialize](img/unify-ruffle-init.png)

## ruffle-config.json

## Compile Solidity contract

## Deploy Solidity Contract