0.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

ioc-registry v0.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago

IOC Registry


A registry that provides a single location to register modules or objects which can be then be retrieved by other modules in an app. This allows parts of a codebase to use a module (or 'service') which is provided by the app and for the implementation to be easily replaced during different runtimes, for example during testing. It also provides the beneft that features can be implemented in isolation from the dependency, relying only on an interface rather than implementation details.

The ideas for IOC registry were taken from the 'service registry' and 'alias registry' in BladeRunnerJS but has been changed to provide a more generic solution which doesn't rely on specific bundling behaviour provided by the BladeRunnerJS toolkit.


app-service-registry and app-alias-registry were created during a dev week which aimed to demonstrate libraries written using BladeRunnerJS could be used with WebPack and other libraries from NPM. As new features were imagined for each project it was apparent that the feature set was almost identical and a single registry could be used to register both module implementation and object instances, hence ioc-registry was born.

It's also a good hobby project to write a Node library, investigate test tooling in Node and an opportunity write more code.


npm install ioc-registry --save-dev

Code Example


var iocRegistry = require("ioc-registry");

iocRegistry.register('real-time-service', new PusherRealTimeService())
iocRegistry.register('real-time-service', new PubNubRealTimeService())
iocRegistry.register('real-time-service', new FirebaseRealTimeService())


var iocRegistry = require("ioc-registry");
var realTimeService = iocRegistry.resolve('real-time-service');
realTimeService.subscribe('some-data', callback);


var iocRegistry = require("ioc-registry");
var realTimeService = iocRegistry.resolve('real-time-service');
realTimeService.subscribe('more-data', callback);


var iocRegistry = require("ioc-registry");
var realTimeService = iocRegistry.resolve('real-time-service');
realTimeService.publish('cool-data', 'lotsa data!');

API Reference


Tests are in tests directory can are run via Mocha and Karma.

  • npm test to run both sets of tests.
  • npm run test:node to run tests via Mocha in a Node
  • npm run test:browser to run tests via Karma in Firefox
  • npm run test:saucelabs to run tests using Karma and browsers hosted by SauceLabs

When developing:

  • npm run test:dev to run tests via Mocha, automatically re-running tests on file changes
  • npm run test:browser:debug to run tests via Karma, persisting the browser and automatically re-running tests on file changes


Let people know how they can dive into the project, include important links to things like issue trackers, irc, twitter accounts if applicable.


A short snippet describing the license (MIT, Apache, etc.)


8 years ago