4.2.14 • Published 6 years ago

ionic-attributed-image-loader v4.2.14

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6 years ago

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Ionic Attributed Image Loader

Ionic Module that loads images in a native background thread and caches them for later use. Uses cordova-plugin-file and cordova-plugin-file-transfer via ionic-native wrappers.

#This is a forked module* This module has been forked from the original ionic-image-loader module by Zyra Media. Please refer to the original module page (https://github.com/zyramedia) for full documentation.


  • Enhances the Zyra Media ionic-image-loader by providing the ability to pass through image attributes when generating the HTML tags.


1. Install the NPM Package

npm install --save ionic-image-loader

2. Install Required Plugins

npm i --save @ionic-native/file
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file

npm i --save @ionic-native/file-transfer
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer

3. Import IonicAttributedImageLoader module

Add IonicAttributedImageLoader.forRoot() in your app's root module

import { IonicAttributedImageLoader } from 'ionic-attributed-image-loader';

// import the module
  imports: [
export class AppModule {}

Then add IonicAttributedImageLoader in your child/shared module(s)

import { IonicAttributedImageLoader } from 'ionic-attributed-image-loader';

  imports: [
export class SharedModule {}


Basic Usage

By default, the module sets the image as the background of the <img-loader> element. If you want the module to use the image as an <img> tag inside the <img-loader> elemen, just add useImg attribute as shown below:

<img-loader src="https://path.to/my/image.jpg" useImg></img-loader>

You can also listen to the load event to be notified when the image has been loaded:

<img-loader src="path/to/image" (load)="onImageLoad($event)></img-loader>
import { ImgLoader } from 'ionic-image-loader';

## Advanced Usage
The `<img-loader>` component takes many attributes that allows you to customize the image. You can use the following table as a reference:

| Attribute Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| src | string | The image URL | N/A |
| fallback | string | Fallback image url to load in case the original image fails to load | N/A |
| spinner | boolean | Show a spinner while the image loads | true |
| useImg | boolean | Use `<img>` tag to display the image in | false |
| width | string | The width of the image. This is ignored if `useImg` is set to `true`. | 100% |
| height | string | The height of the image. This is ignored if `useImg` is set to `true`. | 100% |
| display | string | Sets the `display` CSS property of the `<img-loader>` element. This is ignored if `useImg` is set to `true`. | block |
| backgroundSize | string | Sets the `background-size` CSS property of the `<img-loader>` element. This is ignored if `useImg` is set to `true`. | contain |
| backgroundRepeat | string | Sets the `background-repeat` CSS property of the `<img-loader>` element. This is ignored if `useImg` is set to `true`. | no-repeat |
| fallbackAsPlaceholder | boolean | Use fallback as a placeholder until the image loads. | false |
| imgAttributes | ImageAttribute[] | An array of ImageAttribute objects (element, value).  If `useImg == true`, this array will be iterated and each object added as an attribute to the generated `<img>` HTML element. | []] |

**Note:** The default values can be changed using the [global configuration](https://github.com/zyramedia/ionic-image-loader#global-configuration) feature.

# Passing HTML / CSS Attributes to a generated image

When using ImageLoader to generate an `<img>` element it may be desirable for the generated element to include additional attributes to provide styling or interaction qualities.  The optional `imgAttributes` value can be used to provide such additional attributes which will be included in the generated `<img>` element in the DOM.


1. Include the ImageAttribute model in your .ts
import { ImageAttribute } from 'ionic-image-loader'
  1. Generate an array of ImageAttribute objects
var imageAttributes: ImageAttribute[] = [];
  element: 'class',
  value: 'circle-photo'
  1. Include the imgAttributes element in the img-loader element of your HTML
 <img-loader [src]="..." useImg [imgAttributes]="imageAttributes"> </img-loader>
  1. The generated <img> tag will be rendered with the specified attributes
  <img src="..." class="circle-photo">


  • Having an issue? or looking for support? Open an issue and we will get you the help you need.
  • Got a new feature or a bug fix? Fork the repo, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

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