1.0.13 • Published 4 years ago

ionlib v1.0.13

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4 years ago

IonLib (Javascript)

IonLib is a collection of code that I use in my own software or websites to make my life easier. And so can you.

Key features

  • Custom Context Menus
  • Custom in-app Popup

Yes that was a short list, but this is in constant development and more features will be added.
I might add my Popup library into this.


To get started, assign a ContextMenu class to a variable to use for later.

var cm = new ContextMenu(actions);

The actions variable parsed through the constructor is required to follow this object format:

// An array of objects
  // Each object will act as a button which can have a unique action each.
    // Required
    // The name is the displayed text on the button.
    name: "Button name",

    /** Optional
     * The click event that will happen once the user clicks on the action.
     * If this option is left out, the button will only display the button's name (text) as a label and will have no clickable feature.
     * ev: MouseEvent - ev is the MouseEvent that occurred when the button was clicked. (Unless it is activated manually by ContextMenu.show())
     * ref: HTMLElement - ref is the object that was clicked. (Unless it is activated manually by ContextMenu.show(), BUT can have an object parsed through instead as a parameter.)
     * btnClicked: HTMLDivElement - btnClicked is the button in the Context Menu that was clicked. (again, unless it is activated manually by ContextMenu.show())
    click: (ev, ref, btnClicked) => { },

    /** Optional
     * Set to a function that will have the specific action button parsed as a parameter and you can run an event on it, like modifiying it, before it gets used.
     * actionBtn: HTMLDivElement - The button that is run on.
    runOnThis: (actionBtn) => { },

     * The type of action button this is.
     * type can be one of the following:
     * // click is the default behavior and acts as a regular button.
     * "click"
     * // checkbox is as the name suggests, a checkbox. It is toggled when you click on it, with a white or green circle indicating if it is toggled on or off.
     * "checkbox"
    "type": "click",

     * This is only valid if type is set to "checkbox".
     * Marks if the checkbox is checked or not by default.
     * @type {boolean}
    "checked": false
  { ... }, { ... } // You can technically add as many buttons or labels as you like.

Each instance of a ContextMenu have a couple of variables and functions to use.

Instance functions

show(element): The show function displays the context menu at the user's cursor. It can accept 1 parameter, an element to have as reference. It is accessible via the instance object as instance.reference.

hide(): Literally the opposite of show. This hides the context menu if it is visible.

attachContextMenu(element): The attachContextMenu function will attach it's instance to the parsed element as an addEventListener for contextmenu (aka right-click).

reloadActions(actions): reloadActions will reload all the actions in the actions array (Displayed below, not the parsed variable). You'll need to call this whenever you add, remove, or in general change the actions array. You can leave this function blank with no parameters to just reload the instance's actions array, or you can parse through a new array of actions which it will use and replace.

Instance variables

actions: An array of all the buttons in this ContextMenu. You can add more buttons to this array, but keep in mind that the buttons display in the order they are in inside the actions array.

reference: This updates to the most recent object that was clicked to trigger a ContextMenu. It will also update when the instance.show(element) function is called. If no element parameter is parsed, reference will be undefined.


Initialize for use

You can use one of the following, they will do the same thing.


options is a JSON object and can have one or more of these following values.

  "theme":"dark", // Changes the theme of the Popup. [Default: light]
  "top":"[number]", // [number] is any pixel count you want the Popup to be from the top when it is fully extended out. [Default: 15]
  "transition": "ease|linear|easein|easeout|easeinout", // Change how the transition looks. Any CSS transition animation works here. [Default: easeout]
  "transitionTime":"[time in milliseconds]" // The time in milliseconds you want for the Popup before it is fully extended. [Default: 300]

Using this function will create a PopupStylingObject as a <style> tag in your html tag

Create a new Popup

Create a new Popup by with:

new Popup(title, [Optional: description|object, dieAfter]);

description is smaller text below the title text. You can add text or HTML code into this field as a string, or you can insert an array of both strings and HTML nodes. The order they appear in inside the array, is the order they will appear in the Popup.

dieAfter is an amount of time in milliseconds for how long the Popup should stay on screen, and will close after the time is up. If this is not defined or set to 0, it will have a Done button to close the Popup.

Close a Popup

You can close a Popup using one of the following functions.

If you have assigned it to a variable:

var popup = new Popup("Test Title", "Test Description");


If you want to close the newest Popup, use the class static function:


If you want to close a specific Popup by its ID, use the class static function:


If you want to close a specific Popup by its object reference, use the class static function:

var popup = new Popup("Test Title", "Test Description");

// Or

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